Did you know….

80% of Canadians agree that the Charter is “an important symbol of Canada.” (ACS-Environics poll, 2003) But only 55% of respondents believe that the Charter unites Canadians and 39% believe it divides us. (Centre for Research and Information on Canada, 2002). More than a quarter of Canadians – 26% – say the Charter has led Canada in the wrong direction. (SES Research, 2007). There is also widespread ignorance about the Charter 52% of Canadians cannot name even one right that the Charter protects (Leger Marketing, 2002), and nearly half were not aware of the notwithstanding clause permitting government to opt out of an element of the Charter for a period of five years (SES, 2007).

Charter of Rights is a national calamity – says Rory Leishman

Charter Graphic

Canada’s Charter and civil religion – John von Heyking

Religious beliefs permitted, religious actions not so much – Ian Hunter

The Charter and gay rights – Paul Tuns

Abortion and the Charter of Rights – C. Gwendolyn Landolt

The Charter and free speech – Gerry Nicholls