At home – on the air for good.
Since it was founded in 1977by Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family has waged its “winnable war” through books, magazines, video tapes – and on more than 1200 radio facilities in 35 countries, including Canada. For copies of the radio log (listing the Canadian stations), write to Focus on the Family, Pomona, CA 91799. Please include with your request the following code number: xx072.
With friends like these
After the Metropolitan (Toronto) Separate School Board (MSSB) made its compulsory sex-education program mandatory in 1986, Brian Taylor, president of the Ontario Association of Catholic families began hearing word-of-mouth stories from parents badgered by school authorities for pulling their kids from the program. At a June 15, meeting of the MSSB, trustees invited `Taylor to gather affidavits from parents who have experienced discrimination and to submit a confidential report to the MSSB director. Taylor may be contacted by mail or by phone at 153 Donlands Ave.,Toronto, Ontario M4J3P3; 466-0447.
He shall have dominion from sea to sea
Rev. Alfred Rees has asked the 135 congregation-strong Missionary Church of Canada to observe the last Tuesday of every month as a total day of prayer. Reed, president of the church, wants the prayers to “centre on a revival of biblical principals” in the nation.
Good Shepherd
The Most Rev. Eugene P. Larocque has asked the people of his Alexandria-Cornwall diocese, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, to urge the PM and Mps to outlaw abortion.
”The absence of such a law…only encourages the new religion of secular humanism in its attempt to force its ideologies upon our nation,” the bishop writes.
Dutch “treat” for Canada?
Canadian physicians may be growing more tolerant to ”justifiable euthanasia” – the excuse Dutch doctors use to kill off an estimated 20,000 Dutch patients a year. To take the temperature of the situation in Canada, the Toronto-based Human Life Research Institute (HLRI) is now preparing a major study of professional and patient views on euthanasia.
Hear no evil department
In early June, Edmonton pharmacist Joanne Lewicky informed Roussel Canada about the well-documented case of a European woman who, according to Roussel Labs’ Medical Director Andre Ullman, delivered a dead, grossly deformed baby after being prescribed the anti-human drug, RU486. The comeback of Roussel Canada’s Medical Director, Jacques Gareau? “We have not heard anything concerning the remarks supposedly made by Dr. Ullman.”
Her pain will last much longer
Since mid-April 32 volunteer counselors of Abortion Recovery Canada (ARC), headquartered in B.C.’ lower mainland, have been taking country-wide calls 24 hours a day from aborted women and from others who have been injured by abortion decisions. “With so many women being aborted in this country, our estimation is that roughly 20 million people are hurting from someone’s abortion decision,” ARC’s founder and president, Pat Hansard told The Interim. “We are all tainted with the killing of the pre-born child” The Abortion Recovery Line is 604-640-7171.
The great goddess lives!
Under the pretense of archaeology, Johanna Stuckey, Co-coordinator of Women’s Studies at Toronto’s York University, will initiate students into the mysteries of modern pagan religion, witchcraft and “why Goddesses were demoted or destroyed under patriarchy
During two courses jointly offered by the University of Toronto and the Royal Ontario Museum.
A rose for integrity
When pro-abortion nurse Cathy Crowe demanded in a July letter that Toronto’s Midtown Voice retract an ad for Aid to Women, a pro-life counseling service, editor Barbara Neyedly showed some journalistic guts. “Organizations of all shaded of opinion, except those inciting hatred or discrimination of others, are welcome to place ads in this newspaper – as long as the ad is tasteful. Anything else would be censorship,” she wrote.
South of the border – “I am Mary Doe”
When Sandra Cano, alias “Mary Doe,’ filed for a reversal of her 1973 Supreme Court ruling, Doe v. Bolton, she sent tremors through the U.S. abortion establishment. Though not well known as its twin, Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton was equally devastating to the lives of millions of pre-born children. It prohibited states from restricting abortion to
”hard cases” alone and expanded the “health of the mother” to include emotional and financial considerations. Explaining to The Advocate why she rescued with other pro-life lifers at an Atlanta abortuary in late April, Cano said, “Now is desperate measures. People are not taking this serious. A lot of people say, “Well, you’re violating my rights.’ But they’re not giving the right to the unborn child who is living inside. They’re thinking because that child is not born, it’s not living.”
Radio free rescue
To sidestep the mega media blackout of the most significant civil rights movement of the late twentieth century, Binghamton, New York-based Operation Rescue began broadcasting a 5-minute news program May 29 on the U.S. Radio Network.
2.9 abolitionists
Americans Against Abortion, a Texas-based informal coalition of Pro-life and rescue groups, presented a petition of nearly 3 million signatures to the U.S. government June 5. Their sole request? “Abolish abortion!”
Priest wears seamless garment
“I didn’t come all this way to observe unjust laws,” asserted prominent peace activist Fr. Daniel Berrigan as he and 30 others effectively shut down the abortion suite at Rochester, New York’s Highland Hospital May 20.
Bad to the last drop
An alliance of pro-life and pro-family groups is leading a nationwide year long boycott of Maxwell House products. The coffee giant ignored repeated requests from the pro-life community not to advertise on NBC’s one-sided “Roe v. Wade” May 15, docudrama.
Over there
For pro-life heroine Joan Andrews, the one necessary thing is to “save the babies,” not only in the U.S., but also all over the world where an estimated 40 million pre-born children are killed by abortion every year. For this reason, Andrews and some 25 member of New Jersey-based Rescue Outreach are now in Western Europe on a pro-life crusade.
Among the many activities planned – a rescue at the abortuary closest to the Vatican.
Worldwide – Solidarity with the pre-born
As Poland’s parliament begins to dismantle the institutions of totalitarian communism, Solidarity-linked deputies will present a bill to repeal the nation’s abortion laws under which perhaps every second pre-born baby is killed
Resisting chemical warfare
By a unanimous vote March 14, the Board of Directors of the International Right to Life Federation (IRF) called for an urgent, worldwide boycott of Roussel-Uclaf, the European maker and distributor of the “anti-human pesticide” RU486. Widespread marketing of RU486 will have catastrophic consequences, said IRLF president Dr. J.C. Wilke:- mass murder of pre-born children, dangerous perhaps fatal side-effects on women who take the drug and even destruction of the human gene pool.
Never again
In the country with the lowest birth rate in the world, Germany, where 20 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion, Max Streibl, head of Bavaria’s conservative CSU party, responded to the growing political clout of the pro-life lobby by announcing a legal challenge February 19 to the abortion law, Paragraph 218.
Gallant no longer
If Belgium’s parliament succumbs to a May 10 Senate committee recommendation that abortion on demand be legal for the first trimester, Ireland will be the only European nation where abortion is outlawed. Canadian pro-lifers will recognize the Belgian status quo: Courts have consistently refused to jail abortionists who kill upwards of 20,000 children a year in 15 illegal ‘clinics’.
Molech lives
At a March 21 and 22 pro-life seminar held in Jerusalem, Be’ad Chaim (The Association for the Protection of the Unborn child) Secretary Lisa Loden reported that in Israel, a country which lost 12000 of its citizens to immigration in1987, every third Jewish child is killed by abortion.
A stink down under
Evidence dug up by pro-life Senator Brian Haradine reveals that Australia’s international Development Assistance Bureau provided the bucks for a group from the Philippines – a nation whose constitution specifically guarantees pre-born rights – to attend a 1988 pro-abortion “women’s health” symposium in Brazil.