■At Home

The “Little Man Up There”

Last August, according to January’s Chatelaine magazine, as she lay on her bed in a nameless Boston abortuary, Chantal Daigle prayed to the “Little Man Up There” and to her late grandparents for strength.  “I need you guys,” she told them a few minutes before she killed the little child of God and grandchild in her.

B.C. Nightingale

During June ‘89’s B.C. nurses’ strike, pro-life RN Isobel Brophy sent a letter to her employer – Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace.  Brophy said that she and other nurses would set up a picket if the hospital went ahead with a scheduled abortion.  An earlier letter – signed by Brophy and 18 of her peers – had declared that abortions should not be done during the strike when nurses were to be available only for essential or emergency services.  The abortion was cancelled, but for her courage Brophy may lose her nursing licence when she goes before a committee of the Registered Nurses Association of B.C. (RNABC) February 12.

“Condom-mania” north

The Skeena Union Board of Health (SUBH) has drafted a letter for the school trustees of Smithers, recommending that condom machines be installed in the northern B.C. town’s public school washrooms.

Feminist piper, feminist tune

Alleging that Alliance for Life’s activities were “too political,” Revenue Canada served notice last November that it intends to revoke the educational research organization’s tax-exempt donation status.  But by that standard, “a lot of other organizations should logically go down too,” observed Alliance’s past president, Heather Stilwell.  These organizations include the (Women’s) Legal, Educational and Action Fund (LEAF), busy promoting universal access to abortion, and the Vancouver Lesbian Connection.

Bible banned

In September 1989 Vancouver’s public school voted to prohibit the 25-year-old Gideon tradition of handing out bibles to Grade 5 students.  Rev. Bernice Gerard, speaking on behalf of Citizens for Integrity, called the act “psychological and cultural intimidation.”


Accepted standards of the medical profession?

Judge Lynn Abraham found a 66-year-old Philadelphia obstetrician guilty of infanticide in making a “deliberate choice not to ace” to save the life of an eight month-old baby girl.  For an hour-and-a-half after the abortion, the child moved and gasped for breath, but Dr. Joseph Melnick opted to nothing.

This is the witness of John

As New York’s John Cardinal O’Connor offered Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral December 10, pro-abortionists and militant homosexuals attempted to shut down the celebration.  But the Cardinal stood firm, asserting that “the Church will be teaching that abortion is the killing of human beings…and that homosexual activity is sinful until the end of time.”

The “Maude” plot

Back in the early 70’s before the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, the Population Institute, a Washington-based lobby group, offered cash prizes of $5,000 to $10,000 for TV programs that tipped public opinion in the direction of favouring abortion on request.  One beneficiary was the CBS TV sitcom “Maude” – whose combative, foul-mouthed heroine (played by Bea Arthur) ended an unexpected pregnancy by abortion during the 1972-73 season.

The homosexuals are coming

Bankrolled by the U.S. Public Health Service and a couple of foundations, the National Research Council’s AIDS, Sexual Behavior and Intravenous Drug Use was released in February 1989.  Aggressively secularist and pro-homosexual in tone, it calls the Christian view of homosexuality “a deeply rooted social pathology” and blames Christians for “stigmatizing” homosexuals and contributing to the spread of AIDS.

Where have all the fathers gone?

Unless the trend soon goes into reverse, the 1990s will be a bleak decade for many children.  The sons and daughters of one in every four families haven’t a father, a rise of 150 per cent since 1960, according to 1989 statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Don’t know much about history.

If a recent education reform bill becomes law, the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards will be $25 million richer.  This private organization is dominated by the left-liberal National Education Association which is on record as wanting to ban home schooling unless parents are certified by state agency.

Criminalizing Christianity

As official atheism withers in Eastern Europe, the anti-Christian mentality in the U.S. grows bolder and uglier with each passing month.  A small but representative sampling of recent headlines in the Christian World Report bears eloquent witness to this:

– Picture of Jesus reason for Salvation Army’s grant denial

– Court urged to ban silent Bible reading

– Worker denied state benefits for sharing Christ on job

– Christian newspapers banned in junior high school

– Religious symbols removed after ACLU threat.

Coming events

March 9-11, 1990

Pro-Life Youth Conference.  Louis St. Laurent Junior/Senior High School, Edmonton, Alberta.  Contact Alberta Youth for Life, Box 83, Sub. 8900-114 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7.  Registration is $30.00 per person.

April 18-22, 1990

Eighth World Conference of Love, Life and the Family in Miami, Florida.  Sponsored by Human Life International.  Contact HLI-Canada, PO Box 5350, Nepean, ON K2C 3J1 (613 723-9810

May 1-3, 1990

Third Annual Ottawa Conference on the Family.

June 10, 1990

Annual pro-life pilgrimage to the Martyr’s Shrine in Midland, Ontario.  For further information call Mary Coangelo at Campaign Life Coalition at (416) 368-8479.

July 5-7, 1990

Sponsored by Alliance for Life, Campaign Life Coalition, Physicians for Life and International Right to Life, Action Life Ottawa will host the International Pro-Life Conference at the Skyline Hotel in Ottawa.  Early registration is $75.00 plus $25.00 for the banquet.  For further information call Action Life Ottawa (613) 235-0184.