At Home
The killing fields
Toronto is a dying city. According to 1988 Department of Health figures, 13,185 children died at the hands of abortionists, as opposed to 8,995 who beat the odds and were born.
Gutless Department
Speaking at a public forum hosted by Concerned Citizens of B.C. in January 1990, Vancouver Alderman Don Bellamy tried to justify the city’s right to allow this summer’s “Gay Games.” “The Gay Games are coming,” he complained. “There’s no way we can stop them.” On the same occasion, Dr. Harry Senges, former chairman of an infection control committee observed: “One of the things you do not do is bring a group that has a very high rate of infection …together with a group that is at risk.”
South of the Border
Discount killing
The most recent edition of Bell Telephone’s Maryland Directory featured coupons offering deductions of 20 and 25 per cent on “medical care” at two local abortuaries.
Madison Avenue for Life
The U.S. Bishop’s Pro-Life Committee, headed by John Cardinal O’Connor is challenging the pro-abortion monopoly of the mega media. For an estimated price tag of $5 million, the Committee has hired the major public relations firm of Hill and Knowlton to teach the truth about abortion.
Wheat from chaff
Commenting on her removal from the St. Catherine Laboure school board in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, pro-abortion state Senate candidate groused, “What bothers me most is the pressure on Catholics to conform their positions to the political positions of the church.” The sixth commandment must be a policy in God’s re-election campaign!
The fate of the unfit
The Standing Committee on Infertility for the (Australian) State of Victoria has asked the government to rethink its recent decision to permit lethal experiments on human embryos two days old.
The aim of the experiments is essentially eugenic, writes Nicholas Tonti-Pilippini in AD 2000, A Journal of Religious Opinion. “Scientists will determine which genetically determined characteristics constitute a disease and which do not and hence which they will allow to survive and which not.”
IVF, a genetic fix
English feminist Patricia Spallone has no doubt that the ultimate goal for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is eugenics – the “science” of producing people to order. In Beyond Contraception, she writes, “The face of eugenics may appear different today than earlier in this century, but…the aim is still decreasing the number of ‘inferior’ types [and] increasing the number of ‘desired’ types.