Communion refused

Arlington, VA.Michael Jackson, member of the City Council of Alexandria, Va., plans to complain to R.C. Bishop John Keating about being refused Holy Communion at the local St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.  Jackson, a Catholic, voted for establishing a local birth control/health clinic for teenagers.

Jackson told the Washington Post in January of this year that he was “stunned” when he was refused communion by Fr. Miller last June.  He was even more “shocked” when the pastor told him a few days later that he was “a public and obstinate sinner.”

Jackson claims that “his privacy” has been invaded.  Father miller says that it is a matter of conscience for him.  Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law forbids Communion to those who “persist in manifest, grave sin.”

Planned Parenthood

The Trumpet recently published a fund-raising, letter signed by Deborah M.

Mitton, a board member of International Planned Parenthood.  She writes, “The Government of Canada recognizes the vital importance of our life-giving and life-enriching family planning work in the developing world and will match your contribution!”  (emphasis The Trumpet)

The Planned Parenthood philosophy is radically anti-family and anti-women.  PP of the U.S. operates at least 35 abortuaries in that country.

Says The Trumpet: “Let’s stop this shameful use of our tax dollars by writing to the Prime Minister and our own Member of Parliament.

Graphic Film

Windsor, On. – The Windsor Roman Catholic School Board education committee endorsed an administration recommendation that would permit Eclipse of Reason to be shown to senior students.

The film shows “the deliberate dismemberment of an unborn child,” not an appealing subject as the producer of the film, Dr. Bernard Nathanson admits.  But as Trustee Rosemary Schiller pointed out, the film is shocking, but it is also a shock that 13 and 14-year-olds are having abortions.  It’s better to be schooled in the classroom that go through the traumatic experience of abortion, she explained.  Pro-abortion feminists throughout the country have pressured public school boards and even Catholic boards such as the Niagara Falls/St. Catharines, not to show this film.