Letitia (not her real name), 58, living in Toronto, suffers with Prader-Willi Syndrome.

I have known her for years; she enjoys life, goes to the movies (she’s a real movie buff) and chats it up with friends.

She is one out of every 10,000 babies born who are afflicted with this rare overeating syndrome. If it isn’t controlled, Prader-Willi Syndrome can lead to an early and often painful death. Of the people who have this incurable genetic disorder, 95 per cent have varying degrees of mental retardation, but it does not stop them from enjoying life, remarked Carole Lang, a member of the Ontario Prader-Willi Syndrome Association.

Lang said that almost all the members of her organization would be considered pro-life. But with the imminent passage of Bill C-43, I’m afraid of, Mrs. Lang,  is that future Letitias are going to very rare.