Connecticut Supreme Court rules unborn part of mother’s body
Successful pro-life T-shirt day in Stafford, Virginia
Euthanasia in decline in Netherlands?
EU to monitor pro-lifers
Male mice produce eggs in Tokyo

Unborn ruled part of mother’s body

HARTFORD, Ct. – In a decision that upset both sides of the abortion debate, the Supreme Court of Connecticut ruled that an unborn baby is part of a woman’s body. The decision came in the case of a man convicted of giving his girlfriend drugs to induce a miscarriage. The defendant argued that he could not be charged with assaulting the child’s mother because he aimed to attack the fetus. Pro-life groups applauded the court’s protection of the fetus, but criticized the identification of a fetus as a body part. Though the court held that the five-week-old fetus was part of the woman’s body, Chief Justice William J. Sullivan issued a separate concurring opinion saying a fetus might have “its own independent existence.” That upset pro-abortionists. Elaine Werner, executive director of the Connecticut chapter of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, said, “Any time I hear about giving rights to fetuses, I get concerned.”

Successful pro-life T-shirt day

STAFFORD, Va. – Rock for Life reported that its first National Pro-Life T-shirt Day was a success with thousands of youths wearing to school T-shirts with pro-life messages. Sara McKalips of Rock For Life said, “We are encouraged that so many are willing to speak up peacefully for the rights of pre-born people.” The day was declared, in part, because of a growing trend of harassment and intimidation by school administrators, faculty and students. At least six students reported problems with schools, including an eight-year old second grader who was was made to remove a shirt that said, “Stop killing our generation.” “It’s amazing how quickly those who preach ‘tolerance’ become the most vehemently intolerant when the topic is abortion,” said McKalips.

Euthanasia in decline in Netherlands?

AMSTERDAM – Agence France Press reports that Dutch euthanasia control commissions claim the number of euthanasia cases has declined in the Netherlands with “just” 1,882 people being killed under the country’s euthanasia law in 2002, compared with 2,054 in 2001 and 2,123 in 2000. But as The Interim reported in the May Month in Review, a Dutch television program has discovered that doctors are increasingly failing to report euthanasia cases because of the amount of paperwork involved.

EU to monitor pro-lifers

BRUSSELS – The European Union has set up a unit to monitor pro-life organizations. The move is a reaction to what EU aid commissioner Poul Nielson calls “well-funded American groups with extreme views on religion and sexuality.” Dana Rosemary Scallon, an Irish pro-life member of the European parliament, is leading opposition to the unit. She says the unit compromises the commission’s impartiality. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children also criticized the move, saying it is galling that pro-abortion non-governmental organizations get EU funding while pro-life NGOs are closely monitored.

Male mice produce eggs

TOKYO – The New Scientist reported that American and Japanese scientists at the Tokyo Research Institute have discovered male mouse embryos can generate eggs through a process known as meiosis. This may allow for homosexual couples to possibly mother and father to their own offspring through IVF technology. However, the media ignored one aspect of the science journal’s article; namely, that there was no proof that the egg was fertile.