The Family Coalition Party’s second run in Ontario provincial politics was declared a success by party leader Don Pennell of Burlington, Ontario.

“There as been 50-100 per cent increase in support in a number of ridings where the party had a candidate in 1987,” he stated; “and some new ridings produced over 2000 votes.

“As for the future, we now have four years to promote the party, to consolidate and to get a riding association and candidates in every provincial constituency,” he said.

Asked why the FCP had not run a candidate in every riding this time, Pennell pointed to lack of money, time and personnel. “We were a full time party with part time help.” From now on he said, we hope to bring in additional help and be more involved.”

Would he encourage members to run for political office on a lower level? Pennell was not sure. “The FCP people running for political office are not politicians,” he said.

Some FCP members however, are taking this route. FCP Terry Burrell in Sarnia, for example, had himself elected alderman during the three year intermission. This too, is the thought of others. Some people are seeking to make politicians into pro-lifers. The FCP on the other hand, is trying to make pro-lifer into politicians.

The overall effort of the FCP is as follows:

1987 %                    1990 %

Candidates                                          36                                            68

Number of votes                                 48,134             1.2                   111,887           2.7

Average vote in ridings

With FCP candidates                          1300                                        1600

Average percentage of FCP votes

In 68 riding votes                                4.0%                                        5.16%

A feature of the 1990 election which stands out, said lawyer Paul Dodds, organizer for the FCP, is the difference between a rather low FCP vote in the larger urban areas and the higher vote in less urbanized and rural ridings.

One reason is the almost complete media shutout of the FCP by large city (Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton) media – newspapers as well as radio and TV. These concentrated exclusively on the three old parties with interviews of the three party leaders as daily coverage. The CBC and CTV networks did not even list the FCP on their election night’s screens.

Another reason is the greater difficulty of organizing city ridings. The FCP in Ottawa ran in five new ridings but failed to run again in one 1987 riding. In Toronto, nine ridings had FCP candidates, but two 1987 ridings were without.

The Liberals and NDP each had election budges of $2.2 million, the PC budgeted for 1.9 million. FCP spent only a fraction of this amount.

Constituency              Name                          Votes               %        1987                %

Brampton, N.               Margaret, Lloyd           1,465               4.4       –

Brampton, S.                Rod Nonato                 2,450               6.1       2,946               8.8

Brantford                     Peter Qualie                 1,413               3.9       –

Brant/ Haldimand        Steve Elgersma            1,703               5.9

Bruce                           Linda Freiburger          4,090               13.3     2,006               7.1

Burlington, S.               Don Pennell                 1,703               5.3       1.125               3.6

Cambridge                   Anneliese Steden         2,364               6.5       1,479               4.6

Carleton East               Andre Lafrance MD    1,224               3.5       926                 2.8 Chatham-Kent                   Marcy Edwards                        1,626               5.3       806                 2.8

Durham Center                        Nino Maltese               1.186               3.4       –

Durham East                Tim Crookall               2,592               7.7       –

Durham West               Bert Vermeer               1,806               4.2       898                 2.6

Durham York              Jerry Young                 2,050               5.6       1,070               3.5

Essex Kent                   Tim McGuire               1,551               5.2       1,229               4.4

Essex South                 Steve Posthuinous        2,111               7.2       –

Etobicoke Humber       Tony Dodds                 1,324               3.7       1,237               3.5

Etobicoke Lakeshore   Patricia O’Connor        1,057               3.3       1,203               4.4

Etobicoke West                        Kevin McGourty          1,045               3.1       1,890               5.6

Frontenac Addington   Gail Leonard                1,990               6.9       –

Grey                            John Ross                    2,175               5.7       1,946               6.1

Guelph                         John Gots                    1,679               4.2       –

Halton Centre              James Bruce                1,119               3.2       –

Halton North                Giuseppe Gori             2,489               9.0       –

Hamilton Centre          Jewel Wolgram            381                1.5       –

Hamilton East              Emidio Covaro                        1,012               3.6       –

Hamilton West             Lynn Scime                 2,358               7.1       –


Peterborough               Anthony Kuttschrutter 1,225               4.2       –

High Park Swansea      Colum Tingle                 429                1.7       –

Huron                          Tom Clark                   2,931               10.1     –

Kingston and the

Islands                         Joan Jackson               1,496               5.5       –

Kitchener                     John Meenna, MD       1,992

Kitchener/Wilmot        Tom Borys                   2,264               6.2       –

Lake Nipigon               Bill Thibeault                 636                4.9       –

Lambton                      Jim Hopper                  3,557               12.8     2,399               9.5

Lanark/Renfrew           Frank Foley                 1,849               5.4       –

London Center             John Van Gelderen Sr.   993                2.8         695                1.6

London North              Bob Maniuk                 1,091               2.5         611                1.5

London South              Paul Pickard                 1,300               3.4         861                2.0

Markham                     Eric Skura                    1,092               2.1       1,403               3.3

Middlesex                    Bill Giesen                   3,965               10.4     2,664               7.8

Niagara Falls                Ark Klassen                   702                2.4       –

Nipissing                      Edward Gauthier            567                1.7         672                2.2

Northunberland                       John Emlboom                        1,213               3.5         749                2.8

Oakville South             Adrianna Bassi                        1,019               3.3       –

Oshawa                                         –                                                                  1,184               4.2

Ottawa Center              John Gay, MD               809                2.7       –

Ottawa East                  Richard Hudon                          880                3.4       –

Ottawa Rideau             Larry Denys                 1,019               3.8       –

Ottawa South               David Fitzpatrick           503                1.7       –

Ottawa West                      –                                                                 1.736               5.2

Oxford                         John Joosse                 3,182               9.5       1,410               3.9

Parkdale                             –                                                                   389                2.0

Parry Sound                 Julie Duggan                  763                3.3         647                3.0

Perth                            Gordon Maloney         2,767               8.7       –

Peterborough               John Harrington                       3,642               8.7       3,284               8.1

Port Arthur                   Claude Wyspianski      1,160               4.2       –

Prescott Russel             Paul Lauzon                 1,145               2.9       –

Quinte                          Dave Switzer               2,331               7.8       –

Renfrew North             Stephen Stanistreet       1,094               3.6       1,385               4.7

St. Catharines               Bert Pyneberg              1,332               4.4       –

St. Catharines/Brock    Edward Klassen                         873                3.3       –

St. George.St. David    Ken Campbell                931                3.1       –

Sarnia                          Terry Burrell                2,691               9.1       1,475               4.9

Scarborough North      Louis Di Rocco                        1,194               4.0       1,371               4.3

Scarborough West        Stefan Slovak                971                3.6       1,035               3.6

Scarborough Centre           –                                                       824                2.8

Simcoe West                Dr. James McGillvray  2,760               8.6       –

Victoria/Haliburton      Brad Medd                   1,410               4.0       2,403               8.3

Waterloo North                        Edward Kryn, MD       2,957               7.6       –

Willowdale                  Marc Vosylius             1,078               3.2       –

Welland/Thorold                –                   –                                   705                2.3

Wentworth North         Rien VandenEnden      1,225               3.7       –

Windsor/Riverside       Earl Amyotte                 881                3.0         522

______                        ____    ______                        ____

111,887                                   48,134