REAL Women of Canada held its national conference in conjunction with Alberta Federation of Women United for Families when 130 participants from across Canada converged on Calgary, Alberta, March 27-28.

Gwen Landolt, national vice president and lawyer from Ontario said, “Something is happening in Canada,” and explained that she had read Hansard for 15 years, but in the last two years she sees a change in the response of Canadians toward government. “We have been too differential toward government, but we are learning to be more assertive. We must remember that the people are the authority.”

Sharing the podium was Senator Anne Cools of Toronto, who encouraged those in attendance to let elected officials know how they feel about issues. She told stories of the way votes and policies have been changed because people called and wrote to their MPs, MLAs, and senators.

Calgary MLA, Heather Forsyth, shared stories about child prostitutes as she revealed her long-time passion for putting pimps and johns behind bars for child sexual abuse. She did not mince words when labelling those who use and profit from child prostitutes and pedophiles. Ms. Forsyth drew rousing applause from the audience when she explained that Royal Assent will make the government of Alberta first in the world to enact such legislation. Those found guilty will face fines up to $25,000 and jail sentences up to two years, or both.

She has gone on the street with vice units in Edmonton and Calgary. The youngest prostitute she met was nine years old. “Most prostitutes are killed by pimps, johns, drugs, disease or suicide. Seven years is the survival rate,” Ms. Forsyth explained. It took six months to get the legislation through.

Dr. Ted Morton, Professor of Political Science at the University of Calgary, changed his talked to discuss the Delwin Vriend case. He says, “There is a difference between gay rights and the homosexual movement,” and he predicted the Supreme Court of Canada would rule against the province of Alberta. His words proved to be prophetic. He encouraged Premier Ralph Klein to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause. He is concerned that judges are not just interpreting law, but are now actually making law.

Dr. Morton compared this court case to that of Joe Borowski, who tried to have the rights of the unborn addressed. The courts refused to hear the Charter challenge because there was no longer a law on abortion. It had been struck down earlier in the year (1988). “To allow homosexual rights to be entrenched now gives government the right to extend its power beyond what was intended by the framers of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” cautioned Dr. Morton.

Wendy Lowe, chastity educator, talked about the sexual revolution of 30 years ago and the consequences society now is reaping. “The people who started that revolution aren’t paying,” she says. “The most important health issues around the world are HIV, AIDS and human papilloma virus (genital warts). Condoms are given as prevention, but condoms cannot prevent these diseases.”

Dr. Leon Craig is professor of political science at the University of Alberta and spoke twice, including the keynote address. His presentations were absolutely lacking in political correctness, yet he was very much appreciated by participants. He talked about the differences between men and women, the unchanging role of women and the absolute role of men in raising children, especially male children.