Toronto – Premier David Peterson said on Tuesday, March 4, 1986, that the Ontario government has no intention of disbanding the Ontario Film and Video Review Board or of stopping it from banning pictures. Mr. Peterson was non-committal on the reappointment of Mrs. Mary Brown for a third three-year term as chief of the censor board.
The Liberal media for the most part was dissatisfied and sniped editorially at the decision by the Ontario Government. In this decision, Mr. Peterson has shown himself to be more aware of the reasonable wishes of the people of Ontario than have his media critics.
Hamilton – The Hamilton Board of teachers for Life, held its first meeting on Saturday, February 8, 1986, at the Hamilton Education Centre.
Teachers for Life discussed pro-life issues factually with local teachers and their students. This discussion is intended to make teachers and students aware of abortion as the crucial issue facing Canadians today.
Chairman Barry Mombourquette outlined the plans of the group, and speakers from Pro-Life organizations in Hamilton and Toronto offered assistance to the new Hamilton group.
Mr. Mombourquette may be contacted at Sts Peter and Paul school in Hamilton.
Terminally ill shun euthanasia, says new Canadian study
A Canadian study of patients who had only a short time left to live showed that none, except those suffering from severe depression expressed a desire for mercy death. “It would appear that patients with terminal illness who are not mentally ill are no more likely than the general population to wish for premature death.” Said Dr James H. Brown of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.
Most of the fatally ill did not develop severe depression. Suicidal thoughts were found only in those who had been diagnosed as having mental disorders, according to the report in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Most of the patients were suffering from terminal cancer and the average age was 63.
The study, although conducted with only a limited number of patients, contradicts the basic premise of the Hemlock Society and other right-to-die proponents that the terminally-ill desire – and should be encouraged to seek – assisted suicide.