According to the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s resource material for pastors and other church leaders, a church may take part in the following election-time activities:

1) “Invite all candidates to speak at the same event or service, or organize an all-candidates debate”
2) “Encourage its members to get to know the candidates and to ask about issues of concern”
3) “Provide information on issues of concern that flow from biblical teaching, as long as the church does not link its views to any party or candidate”
4) “Highlight or publish how all members of Parliament voted on a given issue”
5) “Encourage its members to be involved in the electoral process and to vote”

The EFC also notes the very limited scope of prohibited church activities. A church may not:

1) “Invite candidates to speak at different times or at separate events or services”
2) “Promote or oppose one candidate or political party”

The EFC stresses that, “The limits of church activity do not limit church staff, volunteers or members from political activity outside of the church, on their own time or with their own money.”

Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes told The Interim many religious leaders hide behind the excuse that they are not allowed to become involved in politics. He says that they are only half right — they are not allowed to become involved in partisan politics. Hughes said, “There is nothing to prevent priests and pastors from speaking out on moral issues, informing their congregations where candidates stand on important moral issues and encouraging congregants to vote their consciences.”