NDP minister linked B.C. pro-lifer to violence

Well known pro-life activist John Hof, president of Campaign Life Coalition British Columbia, announced Feb. 8 he has received an out-of-court settlement of $25,000 from NDP Minister of Labour Joan Smallwood.

The agreement stems from remarks made in the media by Ms. Smallwood about Mr. Hof, spuriously linking him to an attack against Vancouver abortionist Garson Romalis last year.

“I am pleased that the minister agreed to my demands,” said Hof in a press release. “I hope this incident serves as an example to everyone with strongly held views about pro-lifers. People, particularly government officials, should not repeat misinformation just to further a political agenda.”

“This settlement is a small victory for me, but more than that it is a major victory for British Columbians who share my respect for life. It proves we have a right to our viewpoints without fear of being demonized by government representatives.”

Hof told LifeSite he continues to pray for Smallwood every day.

“Cranking up the rhetoric benefits no one and so I continue to extend an invitation to dialogue with Ms. Smallwood. Perhaps this experience has opened her eyes so she sees pro-lifers for the caring people we are.”