Planned Parenthood releases report
OTTAWA – The International Planned Parenthood Federation launched its newest report, “Contraception at a Crossroads,” on April 24 in Ottawa. Approximately 30 people attended the gathering held on Parliament Hill, co-sponsored by the IPPF, Action Canada for Population and Development and the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health. Senator Lucie Pépin was to welcome the attendees, but could not attend because of illness. Dr. Gill Greer, president of the IPPF, addressed the attendees and provided them with a brief summary of the report, which examines the link between contraception, “family planning” and development. According to Greer, the IPPF is leading the integration of “sexual and reproductive rights,” family planning and HIV/AIDS programs. Pro-life/pro-family forces have long been warning governments that various non-governmental organizations are aiming to divert funding from HIV/AIDS programs and put them toward the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights, which are often interpreted to include abortion. Katherine MacDonald of the ACPD discussed the 2010 G8 Summit, which will be held in Canada, and called on the Canadian government to make maternal mortality a central topic of the meeting. Pro-abortion advocates deceptively use the maternal mortality issue to attempt to give legitimacy to their claim that abortion should be legal and widely accessible.
Obama’s Notre Dame speech criticized
SOUTH BEND, Ind. – President Barack Obama spoke at Notred Dame’s commencement ceremony and received an honourary doctorate, which pro-lifers said was an affront to the university’s Catholic legacy. 79 U.S. bishops issued condemnations of Notre Dame’s decision and 360,000 Catholics petitioned the school to reconsider its decision. Operation Rescue president Troy Newman condemned the speech: “Obama attempts to deceive the people into thinking that we should, for the sake of unity, turn a blind eye to greater evil of abortion.”