Pro-lifers across Canada are lobbying federal Members of Parliament to vote in favor of Dr. Gus Mitges’ Private Members’ motion to amend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to explicitly protect the unborn child.  Only one hour and forty-five minutes of debate remain before a vote is called on the motion, probably in the first week of May.

A survey of MP’s offices by Interim staff indicates that many pro-lifers are writing to their MPs on the issue.  Staff on Parliament Hill were in agreement that the amount of mail generated by motion M-37 is significantly greater than the usually received on Private Members’ Motions.

Frank Foley, Executive Director of Coalition for Life in Ottawa, reports that by mid-March his office had received nearly 1,000 petitions in support of the motion.  The petitions, originally printed in Coalition’s newsletter Vitality, have been forwarded to pro-life MPs for presentation in the House of Commons.

Coalition and Campaign Life have jointly produced a pamphlet on the motion which outlines in detail the need to explicitly include the unborn child in Section 7 of the Charter, and the effect of the motion if passed.  The pamphlet is available from either organization.

Steven Jalsevac of Campaign Life says that pro-lifers have a perfect opportunity to meet with their Members of Parliament and voice their support for protection of the unborn child in person during the Easter break when most MPs will remain in their ridings.  While many letters have been sent supporting the motion, he stressed that many more are needed, and that each committed pro-life supporter should take the time to write a short note to their MP stating their support for M-37  Even pro-abortion MPs must receive mail from constituents, he urged, in the hope that they will find it politically undesirable to vote against the motion, and will simply not vote at all.

Pro-life Members of Parliament will ensure that the vote taken on M-37 will be a recorded vote, and Campaign Life and Coalition will use MP’s voting record on this motion in the next federal election as proof of pro-life commitment.  Members of Parliament who vote against the motion, or who do not vote at all will not be supported in the election in spite of any claims they may make to be pro-life.

“Their opportunity to prove their commitment to the defense of the unborn child is now”, say Steve Jalsevac, “if they cannot be in the House of Commons and vote in favour of M-37, they are simply not pro-life.

Dr. Mitges’ motion needs the support of all Canadians who value the right to life of every human being.  Members of Parliament need to hear from Canadians who support this motion.