The Christian Action Council of Metropolitan Toronto has designated the first Sunday in May (May 5, 1985) as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHLS).


On May 14, 1969, the Canadian Parliament gave third reading to Bill C-150 a reform of the Criminal Code of Canada, which liberalized the abortion law in Canada.


Mr. Howard McPhee, president of the Toronto Christian Action Council commented on the timing of the observance!  “Historically, the protestant churches have upheld special seasons of the Christian year and set aside special days to underscore the importance of certain teachings in the life of the Church.  One important teaching, which has fallen into neglect, is the sanctity of human life ethic.  It is an affirmation that human beings are not the product of chance and evolutionary original but eternally valuable beings bearing the image of God.


“The Sanctity of Human Life” Sunday will be observed by churches holding worship services simultaneously across the country on May 5.  The service will be planned with the aid of a specially-designed manual containing suggested sermons, prayers, hymns and historic and contemporary readings.


The observance of SOHLS on the first Sunday is to culminate in the celebration of Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May (May 12, 1986) with May 14 set aside as a special day of prayer.


Aims of the Christian Action Council


The Christian Action Council (CAC) is a fellowship of Christians whose desire is to uphold the sanctity of human life at all stages, as the unique creation of God.  We believe that the church must not stand silent before the rapidly decaying respect for human life in our Canadian society.


  • To testify to those who make and enforce our federal and provincial laws that God has His standards that we humans must honor.
  • To inform and to organize Christian people around the nation to unashamedly stand for the sanctity of life in their communities and before their legislators.
  • To establish local Christian Action Councils as community-based efforts to bear witness against the shedding of blood through abortion. 
  • To develop and implement ministries to women with crisis pregnancies through the local churches of our nation
