John-Henry Westen
Special to The Interim

A very upbeat Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas spoke with at the March for Life in January, saying of the United States, it “is established that this is a pro-life country.”

The Republican from Kansas has been a strong voice for the pro-life movement in the Senate and is usually at the forefront of pro-life legislation. Amidst the crowd of over 100,000, Brownback’s assessment of the event reflected the crowd’s enthusiasm. “I’m doing great. It’s a little cold, but everybody’s fired up for life,” he said.

Not only was he positive about the march, but also about the pro-life battle in the United Sates. “It’s going really well,” he said. “The president has mentioned, and Abraham Lincoln has stated, that America moves by establishing a common thought. And that’s now been moving forward and is established that this is a pro-life country, a majority pro-life.”

With the recent re-election of President Bush and the influx of pro-lifers into the Senate, there is much to be thankful for and positive about.

Despite some uncertainties about the pro-life convictions of the U.S. Senate leadership, Brownback was convinced that pro-life legislation would be moved forward. But most important, Brownback was convinced that the Senate would confirm President Bush’s pro-life judicial appointments.

“I think we’re going to be able to move forward pro-life judges,” he said. Acknowledging that there would be a fight, he added, “That’s the real big battle that looms.”

Reprinted with the permission of (Feb. 11).