The United Nations’ agenda is promoting the early creation of a New World Order which many legal and political analysts fear means a One World Government, under the authority of the UN.

Before this idea is dismissed as alarmist it would be wise to not that, under various UN treaties and covenants, Canada’s rights as a nation, and parents rights under Canadian law, are already being overridden by the supranational authority of the UN and its many agencies.

In May 1994, two Franco-Ontarians went to the Human Rights Committee of the UN in Geneva to complain that Ontario (and Canada) has not honoured their obligations under the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. They accused Ontario of a long history of “cultural genocide,” and their two specific demands are that Ontario finance and build an exclusively French-language university [Ottawa is bilingual] and a French-language Community College in South Central Ontario (Globe & Mail, May 25, 1994).

The Human Rights Committee in Geneva had 53 members from different nations, few of whom are likely to know much about Canada. Nevertheless they have the authority to tell Ontario it is obliged, under the Covenant, to build the university and college.

In 1992 Canada signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Many of its 53 Articles are praiseworthy; others strike directly against the family, and the rights and prerogatives of parents. The Charter – which has the force of law, overriding Canadian law – says the child has the right:

  • to the media of his choice for information
  • of association with any person or group;
  • of privacy

Thus a parent cannot prevent his child from reading and sharing with others pornography of the worst kind; from associating with gang, cults, even satanic groups. A parent who suspects his child is on drugs cannot inspect his room – a room in the parents’ own home!

Moreover, under the terms of the Charter, there is to be a system of monitoring and inspecting countries to ensure the rules are kept.

Article 26 of the UN Charter requires that governments provide children with courses in family planning.

How did the UN become a lawmaker for Canada? As early as the Bucharest Conference in 1974 delegates, including those from Canada, had the power to commit their governments to UN policies and programmes. There was little accountability to Parliament. The media were usually silent, the voting public was in the dark, and MPs rubber stamped any treaties. The irony is they undermined their own roles as lawmakers.

What can we do? Insist on knowing what our delegates do in Cairo; there will be pro-life media, so make certain you MP gets information; make certain your MP gets the message that laws for Canadians should be made by the Canadian Parliament, in Canada, in the public eye, and not by an international group who do not know Canada, its laws, and its traditions.