Dear Readers,
The Interim thanks you for your understanding and unwavering support for our pro-life publication. As we explained last August and again in March, the revamping of Heritage Canada’s policy for assistance to the Canadian publishing industry resulted in a huge challenge for The Interim.
Your response to our initial appeal to rally round The Interim ensured its survival in the short term. You helped it to qualify for the modest subsidy that Heritage Canada makes possible through its new Canadian Periodical Fund.
However, we must maintain and increase our paid subscriber-base. We do not want to rely on the vagaries of government assistance for our long-term survival.
In the effort to expand our subscription base we offered special renewal and gift subscription rates this past year, even as postal rates have risen more than 14 per cent over the past two years.
As well, in British Columbia and Ontario the onset of the HST increases our production and mailing costs.
While the economy shows signs of improvement, many Canadians continue to struggle and we appreciate the sacrifices readers may be making in these uncertain economic times.
We ask you to remain committed to The Interim’s work. Given our financial circumstances we must revert to regular rates of $40 for one-year subscription, $70 for 2-years, and $100 for 3-years. We will continue to offer special group and introductory gift subscription rates.
We have seen many signs of progress for our pro-life cause, from unparalleled mainstream coverage of the National March for Life in Ottawa to a call for a reopening of the public debate on abortion by prominent church leaders.
Become a paid subscriber if you receive the paper through affiliation to a third party organization like Campaign Life Coalition.
Many of you have been kind in making donations to The Interim even though we can only acknowledge your kindness but cannot issue any tax receipt. We welcome and appreciate such generosity.
The best course of action in support of your Interim is to renew or extend your subscription at the regular rates. You may choose to take this step in advance and simply complete the form below.
Stay the course with us. The Interim remains the pro-life newspaper of record, devoted to life and family issues. It remains your paper. Your continued support will cherish its tradition and strengthen it for the future.
Yours for Life,
Paul Tuns & Dan Di Rocco
Editor Circulation Manager