Anderson, Doris

  • “Dear Doris,” E.M. March, 12
  • “Letters Doris Anderson did not print,” Pauline Freda, Maureen O’Hara, J. Deileman, June/July 14.


  • “Australian researcher protests reproduction techniques,” S.M., October 13.


  • “Everything can be made,” L. Heather, May 11.

Borrowski, J.

  • “First Friday with Joe,” C. Scharfe, March 3.

Campagnola, Iona

  • “Pro-lifers demonstrate,” January 2.
  • “Iona Campagnola trounced,” March 8.
  • ‘Campagnola’s paranoia,” K. Toth, September 8.

Canada Elections Act (Re: Bill C-169, October 1983)

  • “National Citizens Coalition and other reports,” January 8-9
  • “A choice debate – editorial,” February 4
  • “Restore Canadian human rights,” E. Wehrle, February 7
  • “House of Commons debates – January 19 and February 13, 1984.”
  • “Freedom has its price,” A. Lalonde, March 5
  • “Welcome to 1984,” J. Borowski, March 5
  • “Canadian pro-life victory,” CAS, August 1, 2
  • Editorial “Unmuzzled,” August 2

Canada – General

  • “New appointment,” (re: Chief Justice) CAS, April 5
  • “Baptists go pro-life,” B. Elson, August 3
  • “Abortion affects foreign policy,” S. McLuhan, August 7
  • Interim federal election issue, various articles, September
  • “Canadian Government sends secret pro-abortion group to Mexico,” S. McLuhan, September 19
  • “Pentecostals publish their official position on abortion,” September 22
  • “September Four, 1984,” (re: Federal election analysis) A. Hawkins, October 1, 2, 3, 16
  • “Pentecostal Resolutions,” A.H. November 11

Canada – Provinces


  • “Down with apathy – We choose Life,” T. Snee, January 10
  • Campaign Life – board of directors meeting – Edmonton, March 7
  • “Alberta’s test tube baby clinic,” May 6
  • “Abortion and the United Way,” (Edmonton), August 1, 2
  • “Campagnola’s paranoia,” K. Toth, September 8
  • «Fort McMurray,» S. M., September 8


  • “Pro-lifers demonstrated against I. Campagnola,” January 2
  • “Pro-life victory at Langley,” January 2, 3, 14
  • “Freedom to choose or license to kill?” A. Rendle, March 10
  • “A Letter,” Anita Parker, March 10
  • “B.C. Court to clarify meaning of ‘health’ in Criminal Code,” April 5
  • “The Song of Women exploited,” P. Steacy, May 5


  • “Penner’s politics,” January 1
  • “Nurse tells why she quit,” January 3, 14
  • “Attorney-General angers Manitobans,” February 6
  • “Gary Filmon replies,” March 6
  • “Auschwitz! Lest we forget,” April 6
  • “Pickets for Joe,” June/July 5
  • “Feminists finally agree with Joe,” C.S., September 8


  • “Sex education hotline,” March 10
  • “Canoe for Life,” June/July 5
  • “Canoe Canada for Life,” G. Giddens, December


  • “We won’t put up with Morgentaler declares Peckford,” January 10


  • “Friends for Life – Conference,” March 10
  • “Colchester County Right-to-Life,” May 5
  • “Friends for Life,” C. Scharfe
  • “Henry Hyde,” Friends for Life Conference, Middleton, N.S. October 10-11, November 10-11


· “Under age teens and birth control,” CAS/SM, March

· “A Candlelight walk on Mother’s Day,” Toronto, April 1

  • “Let them live on Father’s Day,” Toronto, April 1
  • “The voice of the Crown,” CAS, April 5
  • “Kingston Conference,” M. E. Douglas, June/July 5
  • “Mother’s Day candlelight walk,” June/July 3
  • “Mother’s Day in Halton,” B. Hamon, June/July 8
  • “Successful pro-life weekend in Kingston,” M. E. Douglas, August 3
  • “Teachers use position and public money to promote abortion,” CAS, August 3
  • “The Markham – Stouffville Hosptal,” CS, September 6
  • “Abortionist at City Hall,” Toronto, CS, September 6
  • “Dr. R. Sassone, Alliance for Life Convention, Hamilton,” October 8
  • “Review at Kingston General,” S.M., November 7
  • “Science Centre promoting Abortion?” Ajzenstat, December
  • “June Callwood; Dennis Trimbell, Roy McMurtry,” December
  • “K.O.C. In Action,” W. Prestwich, December


  • “Abortion review,” March 7
  • “American sexologist sues,” May 5
  • “The Gay Caswell Case,” S.M., June/July 8
  • “Are pro-lifers affecting number of western abortions?” November 7


  • “Objectif Survie, Québec,” J. Morse-Chevrier, March 6
  • «Objectif Survie, Québec,» April 6
  • “A war is being waged against God,” R. Mendoza, May 5
  • “Mise à jour d’Objectif Survie Québec,” J. Morse-Chevrier, June/July 7
  • «Morgentaler et les fœtus,» M. & L. Groarke, August 2

Catholic Foundation for Human Life

· “David Little,” April 13

· “David Little meets Mother Teresa,” C.S. May 14


  • “The horror of China’s baby policy,” February 1, 3, 12 (reprint: Human Concern)


  • “Canadian Youth Pro-Life Organization,” J. McManamy, April 12
  • “CYPLO,” September 16


  • “Let’s not fall for that one,” (re: Canada Elections Act), January 4
  • “A choice debate,” (re: Homemakers), February 4
  • “Happy First Birthday,” (Interim), March 4, 5
  • “90,000 Dead,” Mother’s Day, April 4
  • “Thanks, Mom,” May 4
  • “The case of pop,” June/July 4
  • “Abortion is the election issue,” September 4
  • “Election for life,” October 4
  • “Culture and anarchy, 1984,” November 4
  • “Christmas, liberation ad Morgentaler,” December 4


· See Australia; Great Britain


  • “Family Planning – programmes outrage parents,” C. Bolger, February 5
  • “Under age teens and birth control,” March 3
  • “New Brunswick Sex Education hotline,” March 10
  • “House of Commons (Planned Parenthood), June/July 3
  • “Charity number 0367458-13010 is lobbying again,” (Planned Parenthood), September 21
  • “Natural Family Planning,” S.M. November 7
  • See Mercy Killing, France.


· “A Satanic Market,” and “The practice of euthanasia,” A.H., November 12

Great Britain

  • “60,000 Pro-lifers gather in Britain,” February 2
  • “Embryo experiments in Britain,” S. McLuhan, February 1, 3

Homemakers Magazine

  • “Homemakers, homebreakers,” E. McLuhan, February 1, 3
  • “A choice debate,” Editorial, February 4
  • “A letter to Peter Gzowski,” Natalie Cremer, February 11
  • “One more letter,” Comac Communications, February 12
  • “The Campaign Life Homemaker’s Campaign,” March 5
  • “Would homemaking be easier without children?” W. Prestwich, August 11-12

House of Commons

  • Hansard: Svend Robinson, Monique Begin (re: Planned Parenthood), March 4
  • Hansard: M. Mitchell (re: section 251), Bill Blaikie (re: illegitimate children), April 7
  • Hansard: S. Hudecki; Gordon Taylor; Laverne Lewychi.

The Human

  • “Death of the Human,” S. Hierlihy, Ottawa Action Life News, November

Interim Essay Contest

· See authors: David Baldock, S. Kloosterhuis, Katherine Malony.


  • “Japan and its problems of infanticide,” January 12

Letters to the Editor

  • January – Lloyd Devlin, Williams Lake, B.C. (reprint: Toronto Star), 15
  • February – Susan Craaybeck, Omemee, Ont.; Jooy Fox, Toronto; Paul Marx, Washington
  • March – Raymond Peringer, Toronto; Dr. James McLane, North Battleford, Sask.
  • April – William de Marois, Toronto; Mary Hannigan, Toronto; T. Venner, RN, Ajax, Ont.; Terry Burrell, Sarnia, Ont.
  • May – Marguerite Weiss, Calgary; A. C. Lynd, Uxbridge, Ont.; Jim Dorion, Toronto; Jil Munoz, Gowanston, Ont..
  • June/July -Roy Credman, Haliburton, Ont.; Jean Morse-Chevrier, Hull, Quebec; D. Ward, Scarborough; Bina Langhara, Maple Ridge, B.C.
  • August – Shirley Tennant, North Bay, Ont.; Michel Arsenault, Moncton, N.B.; Valerie Clarke, Fruitvale, B.C.; Iris Yawney, Dauphin, Man.; D. A. Warme, Dundas, Ont.; L. Goal, Toronto.
  • September – Name Witheld; Bette Turnbull, Mississauga, Ont.; Robert Baigent, Toronto; Kathleen Dunroe, Vancouver, B.C.
  • October – Kathy Depes, Regina, Sask.; Joyce Dylk, Toronto; Mary P. Nicol, Toronto; Michael Tari, Toronto; Gay Caswell, Saskatoon, Sask; Leo Coyle, Edmonton, Alberta; M. Weiss, Calgary, Alberta; S. c. McEvenue, Etobicoke, Ont.; M. J. Fudy, Niles, Ohio.
  • November – J. Borowski, Winnipeg, Man.; Heather Stilwell, Surrey-Delta, B.C.; C. Fox, Toronto; Gerard Liston, Edmonton, Alberta; Pat McCarthy, New Zealand; Kathleen Zeagman, Bolton, Ont.; Jenny Mol, Thunder Bay, Ont.; James Chapeskie, Kingston, Ont.
  • December – Mrs. D. Ingram, St. Catharines, Ont.; F. Schokker, Scarborough, Ont.; B. Brennan, Toronto.

Liberal Party

  • “No pro-life Liberal leader,” C.S. May 12
  • “An open letter to Turner and Trudeau,” May 10
  • “The return of Mr. Turner,” E. Colleton, May 14
  • “The Liberal Party,” B. O’Hara, September 2
  • “Liberals for Life,” A. D. Selinger, September 14
  • See also “September 4, 1984,L (Election Analysis) October.

Morgentaler, Henry

  • “We won’t put up with Morgentaler declares Peckford,” Nfld., January 10
  • “Conflicting View,” Sabina McLuhan, January 13
  • “Toronto Court Marathan,” P. Loughran, March 2
  • “The voice of the Crown,” CAS, April 5
  • “Students demonstrate against Morgentaler,” J. McManamy, April 14
  • “Morgentaler ‘docu-drama’ dumped by CBC,” C. Scharfe, May 1
  • “Morgentaler loses motion,” L. McArthur, September 2
  • “Morgentaler and Manning,” C. Scharfe, October 2, 14-15
  • “The jury system: Democracy on trial,” Interim Staff, November 1, 2
  • “Media Stars begging for Morgentaler,” S. McLuhan, November 14
  • “Morgentaler Acquitted,” C.S. December
  • “Christmas, Liberation and Morgentaler,” Editorial, December 4
  • “Morgentaler at the University of Toronto,” G. Cotter, December

Mercy Killing

· “The executioners-who are they?” C. Bolger, January 5

· See Euthanasia, France

National Film Board

  • “Should the National Film Board be terminated?” A. Beardshall, November 7
  • “Two recent products of the National Film Board,” A. Hawkins, November 15

New Democratic Party

  • “NDP re-affirms abortion clinics,” Ontario, S. McLuhan, August 1
  • “The Now Dead Party,” J. Borowski, August 5
  • “An Open Letter to Mrs. Marion Bryden, NDP, MPP, ‘Beaches-Woodbine”, E. Colleton, September 10
  • “New Democrats for Life?” J. Borowski, September 14

Planned Parenthood

· See Family Planning


  • “The Curse of Time Magazine,” C. Scharfe, September 19
  • “Canadian Government sends secret pro-abortion group to Mexico,” September 19
  • “Dr. R. Sassone, at Alliance for Life Conference, Hamilton, Ontario,” October 8-9
  • “Mexico in August,” B. Sherwin, October 15


  • “Is Pornography a Pro-Life concern?” S. McLuhan, February 13
  • “Canadians for Decency,” A. De Valk, March 9

Pro-Vie Toronto

  • “Pro-Vie Toronto,” by J. Rigali-White, February 5

Progressive Conservative Party

  • “Questions for Mulroney,” G. Petrasek, June/July 3
  • “Tories for Life,” C. Scharfe, September 14

R.E.A.L. Women

  • “Real Women and the pro-life connection,” G. Petrasek, March 8-9
  • “Real Women counters radical feminist bias,” S. Koma, May 12


  • See Canada


  • “Legal abortion is the second most frequent cause of death in Canada,” C. Del Campo, January 15
  • “The dead children of Ontario,” April 8-9
  • “Death before birth in Ontario,” May 8-9
  • “A blood-red trillium,” W. Prestwich, Jun/July 1-2
  • See: Toronto General Hospital

Toronto General Hospital

  • “Birth and Abortions,” W. Prestwich, November 8-9


  • “The Matheson Decision Where it leaves us,” D. Dooley, February 8-9
  • “Does the child in the womb feel pain?” March 1
  • “Human Life: Some fundamental questions,” J. Shea M.D., April 2
  • “Intrauterine life,” Sir Wm. Liley, June/July 10-11
  • “U.N. discrimination against the unborn,” S. McLuhan, June/July 12
  • “Greer still defends killing the unborn,” S. McLuhan, June/July 18
  • “Down’s syndrome,” W. Prestwich, September 5
  • “Aborted babies for vaccine,” S. McLuhan, November 1-2
  • “Is the fetus a person?” G. Gilmore, November 13
  • See also Embryos, Australia, Great Britain

United States

  • Lee C. Young; “New infant-doe regulations,” January 11
  • Jean Doyle; “The slippery slope in reverse,” February 10
  • “70,000 in America march,” reprints, May 7
  • “Death of the unborn, American style,” Mary Meehan, reprints, August 6
  • “Interview with Nathanson,” reprint, September 17
  • “National Right to Life Convention 1984,” W. Prestwich, October 12
  • “No choice in U.S. election: Ferraro pro-abortionists,L S. McLuhan, October 12-13
  • “Democratic Party/Republic Party Platforms,” October 13
  • “Medicine for Butchery,” (Re: Situation in Abortuaries) S. Briggs, October 18
  • “Abortuary Chaplain,” P. Marx, October 19
  • “Murder and Manslaughter,” (Dr. J. Melnick), November 12
  • “Pro-life issues in the U.S. elections,” W. Prestwich, December.

Unions and Abortion

  • “Protesting union promotion of abortion, using members’ dues,” Paul Bassi, January 6-7
  • “Ontario Federation of Labour,” S.M. January