Bill Whatcott

Whatcott ‘hate’ trial begins

Interim Staff The trial of Bill Whatcott for an alleged hate crime began at the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto last month in relation to the distribution of flyers at the 2016 Toronto Pride parade displaying the potential consequences of homosexual activity. The literature described both the physical and spiritual dangers of homosexual activity and the Crown prosecution says that is [...]

2021-11-04T11:29:15-04:00November 4, 2021|Society & Culture|

Canadian Supreme Court rules against free speech

Canadian Supreme Court rules against free speechThe meaning of the Whatcott decision Rory Leishman With the unanimous ruling in the case of Bill Whatcott on Wednesday, the Supreme Court of Canada has stepped up its attack on freedom of speech and freedom of religion as never before. For faithful Christians, the implications are clear: Like Whatcott, they, too, could end up in [...]

2013-03-01T11:23:46-05:00March 1, 2013|Announcements, Soconvivium|
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