Kathleen Wynne

Independent candidate runs against sex-ed in Scarborough-Rouge River

Queenie Yu says that "complaining is useless" so she's running as an independent candidate in an Ontario by-election in order to put her principles into action. The principle in question is Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriculum which Yu says "will do harm to children." Yu is running on one issue: to fully repeal the sex-ed curriculum that the Liberal government introduced in [...]

2016-08-15T12:04:51-04:00August 15, 2016|Issues, Sex Education, Soconvivium|

Review: Liars: The McGuinty-Wynne Record

ReviewPaul Tuns Liars: The McGuinty-Wynne Record by Daniel Dickin (Freedom Press Canada Inc., $19.95, 222 pages) My old publisher Freedom Press has released a timely book, Liars: The McGuinty-Wynne Record by Daniel Dickin. The title says it all and one sentence in the introduction further explains his thesis: "While the average Ontario citizen benefitted under the Big Blue Conservative governments of the 20th [...]

2014-06-05T23:06:00-04:00June 5, 2014|Soconvivium|
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