
The ideological consequences of WWII

80 years since its outbreak, World War II continues to shape the world: A précis of some of the ideological consequences of the war World War II and one of its main ideological results – the general discrediting of Western traditionalism -- continue to shape events in the world today. Among the long-term effects of the war, there is the ongoing erosion [...]

2020-12-03T11:16:30-05:00August 30, 2019|Soconvivium|

In Search of Canadian Identity

  Canada, which Pat Buchanan once called a “Soviet Canuckistan,” certainly has some serious problems combating the ceaseless self-undermining of its military forces and traditions, but it is also having at least as difficult a time defining a coherent identity for itself. For example, there have been frequent calls to eliminate the traditional oath to Queen Elizabeth and her heirs and successors, [...]

2019-07-01T13:28:58-04:00July 1, 2019|Soconvivium|
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