Marjorie Hopper brought the house down at the first Exodus International conference when she remarked that after God’s work of grace in their lives, she and Sy Rogers could trade wardrobes. Marjorie and Sy are both recovered transsexuals. Marjorie had lived for 40 years as a man; Sy had lived 22 as a woman. Today both Marjorie and Sy believe God can deliver anyone from anything, including sexual brokenness and addiction. Two hundred people, many of them Asian and Hispanic, heard their testimonies at the conference, titled “Gaining Victory” held Marjorie had wanted a sex-change operation but could not afford one. Her doctors put her on hormone treatment assuring her ‘Emotional problem’ In 1979, while Sy was on the waiting list at Johns Hopkins Hospital for a sex-change operation, Christ’s love “bathed me.” God intervened so powerfully in both their lives that Marjorie and Sy now counsel others who struggle with homosexuality. Free of lesbianism for 16 years, Marjorie is director of Another Chance Ministries in Vancouver and attends Burnaby Christian Sy has been president of Exodus North America. Married since 1982, he now serves on the pastoral staff of the Anglican Since 1976 Exodus has been helping thousands of men and women find a way out of homosexuality. Today there are over 100 Exodus International serves as a non-profit, interdenominational umbrella agency providing accountability and resources for Many of the conference workshop leaders had overcome homosexuality in their own lives and have since been trained and Canadian Pat Allan grew up the child of missionaries in South America. She was molested by a stranger as a child and when Marriage problems Tye Gamey had struggled with homosexuality in the early years of his marriage while his wife Nancy, had gone into denial. For the last 15 years, Australian Peter Lane has been evangelizing in the gay bars and streets of Brisbane. Lane claims the gay The cultural factors in counselling Asian homosexuals were addressed by psychologist Dr. Melvin Wong, who was born and According to Wong and Lok, traditional Asian culture holds sons in higher esteem than daughters, and views sex as primarily Although many Asians have shifted to more westernized views, these traditional values can still affect inter-generational family Brazilian psychologist Esly Carvalho, who coordinates Exodus Latin America, spoke on cross-cultural counselling. “Counselling Even within the Hispanic world, she discovered cultural differences as she worked in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Cuba. Not the answer José Maccarone told of how in Buenos Aires where he could be openly gay, he was miserable. He immersed himself not only in He was invited to a church where he eventually felt Jesus “embrace” him. At first his parents preferred him gay rather than In Latin America most homosexuals are not affluent. Some are illiterate and many support themselves as prostitutes. So Exodus Too often the Christian community doesn’t know how to minister to homosexuals who want to leave the lifestyle. The church The Second Exodus International Conference has been slated for London, England in June, 2000. The annual Exodus North Tapes of the 40 workshops are available from: Exodus International, Box 21039, Ajax, ON, L1H 7H2, Tel: (905) 686-7363. Other numbers: New Direction for Life, Toronto, (416) 921-6557; New Direction for Life, Winnipeg, (204) 452-1826; Another Chance Ministries, Vancouver (604) 430-4154. |