Monthly Archives: July 2023

Late-term abortions

Rory Leishman: Dr. Warren Hern is a cold-hearted killer—the moral equivalent of a hired assassin—who has no compunction about aborting even the healthy baby of a healthy mother during the last stages of a pregnancy simply because the mother has decided that she no longer wants her child to live. In this respect, Hern stands virtually alone. Only a tiny minority of [...]

2023-07-31T11:38:31-04:00July 31, 2023|Abortion, Rory Leishman|

Canada enthusiastically embraces euthanasia

Joanna Alphonso: Euthanasia is legally defined as the deliberate killing of someone by action or omission for the intention of relieving that person of their suffering. Belgium, Canada, Colombia, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Spain, and most recently Portugal as of 2023, permit active euthanasia (administration of lethal drugs) for irreversible terminal illnesses for adults and in some of these countries, for [...]

2023-07-31T11:32:27-04:00July 31, 2023|Euthanasia|

What is a Woman documentary seen more than 173 million times

Liana Gordon: Almost exactly a year ago, The Daily Wire released their documentary, “What is a Woman?” Media outcry and attempts at censorship prompted the organization to refer to their film as “The Movie They Didn’t Want You to See.” As of June 7, it has been seen over 173 million times. The documentary follows The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh as [...]

2023-07-28T10:03:58-04:00July 28, 2023|Society & Culture|

Preserving individual rights and freedoms is the only way to prevent genocide

John Carpay: I recently had the privilege of meeting Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate Vera Sharav and listening to her speak at an event in Hamilton, Ont. in June. Vera Sharav has been a thorn in the side of big pharma since her son died suddenly and unexpectedly from side effects caused by an antidepressant medication that he was taking in [...]

2023-07-28T09:56:46-04:00July 28, 2023|John Carpay|

The abortion issue and the emergence of false gods

Donald DeMarco, Commentary: In an exceptionally well-reasoned article that appeared in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (“Thomas Aquinas on the Acts of Creation and Procreation,” Winter 2003), Susan Seiner-Wright argued that, “For many, sexual activity is clearly not related to a conceived child as ‘a way is related to its end.’ Instead, sexual activity clearly bears the characteristics of immanent action, which Aquinas [...]

2023-07-27T08:58:44-04:00July 27, 2023|Abortion|

Modern morale

Josie Luetke: Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey The death of Roe v. Wade was a death for women and progress, but you can’t say it didn’t birth some amazing comedy—from Andrew Schulz, Chris Rock, Bill Burr, and others. Louis C.K. recently mused about a law which keeps abortion “available,” but “limits it”—maybe turns down the enthusiasm a notch. He [...]

2023-07-27T08:44:04-04:00July 27, 2023|Abortion, Josie Luetke|

The military and diplomatic march of woke

Oswald Clark and Paul Tuns: In opposition to using the armed forces for humanitarian missions, U.S. radio host Rush Limbaugh used to say the purpose of the military is to kill people and break things. And he said that 20 years before political correctness and woke ideology became not merely influential within defense and foreign policy ranks, but goals in themselves for [...]

2023-07-26T10:28:49-04:00July 26, 2023|Politics, Society & Culture|

Imperial Pride

The final canto of Dante’s Inferno begins with a chilling line: “Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni”—that is, “the banners of the King of Hell advance.” The Latin phrase is adapted from the opening lines of a hymn to the True Cross. The meaning of the original is twisted, however, by that final word, “of Hell,” which turns the pious words of the hymn [...]

2023-07-26T10:15:00-04:00July 26, 2023|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

Is Canada failing its pregnant women?

Liana Gordon: Arianna Goberdhan was 27 years old when she was brutally murdered by her husband in Pickering, Ont. She was nine months pregnant with their baby, Asaara, Sherri Goberdhan’s first grandchild. According to her, Asaara had long eyelashes and black hair, just like her mother. Although she was laid to rest in her mother’s arms, Canadian law recognized that only one [...]

2023-07-14T10:36:54-04:00July 14, 2023|Society & Culture|

C-311 defeated on party-line vote

Paul Tuns: Cathay Wagantall's private member's bill, C-311, the Violence Against Pregnant Women Act, was defeated on June 14 by a vote of 113 votes for and 205 against. The Conservatives voted in favour of C-311, while the Bloc Quebecois, Green Party, Liberals, and NDP voted against it. Wagantall's bill, if passed, would have added pregnancy as an aggravating circumstance for the [...]

2023-07-14T10:19:33-04:00July 14, 2023|Politics, Society & Culture|

NHL to stop wearing cause-related warmup jerseys

Paul Tuns: The National Hockey League announced a new policy of disallowing special warm-up jerseys while players skate before games that tied to special causes or celebratory nights. The policy comes after a season during which numerous players refused to don rainbow colored gear during special LGBTQ nights. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said at the conclusion of the league’s board of governors [...]

2023-07-13T11:02:15-04:00July 13, 2023|Society & Culture|

Jays cut player who spoke out against pro-LGBTQ companies

Paul Tuns: The Toronto Blue Jays cut relief pitcher Anthony Bass days after he apologized for his social media posts supporting boycotts against Target and Bud Light for their endorsements of LGBTQ causes, calling them “demonic” and “evil.” The team forced him to apologize and Bass said he was “truly sorry” to the “pride community” for his “hurtful” social media posts. He [...]

2023-07-13T11:03:56-04:00July 13, 2023|Society & Culture|

Dodgers honor anti-Catholic drag queens

Paul Tuns: Portland, Oregon, USA - June 16, 2019: Portland Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in Portland's 2019 Pride Parade. The Los Angeles Dodgers announced on May 4 they would award the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic hate group that raises money for left-wing causes by dressing up in religious garb and mocking Christian symbols, a Community Hero Award as [...]

2023-07-13T10:49:52-04:00July 13, 2023|Society & Culture|

Quebec prayer rally cancelled because hosting organization’s pro-life links

Liana Gordon: The government of Quebec recently shut down a religious event that was set to take place in a state-funded facility, due to the group’s pro-life views.  The rally was supposed to be held by Harvest Ministries International, a Christian ministry based in Kelowna, B.C. The event, called the “Faith Fire Freedom” rally, was advertised as a prayer event to address [...]

2023-07-12T08:44:18-04:00July 12, 2023|Abortion|

First-ever National ‘Pride’ Flag Walk-Out Day a huge success

Paul Tuns: Campaign Life Coalition launched its inaugural "National 'Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day" on June 1, the first day that many institutions, including schools, mark with celebrations of the homosexual and transgender lifestyle. In-house conversations indicated that CLC would be thrilled with even 10 per cent of parents keeping their kids at home that day. Media reports, however, show some schools had [...]

2023-07-12T08:43:50-04:00July 12, 2023|Marriage and Family, Religion, Society & Culture|
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