Monthly Archives: September 2023

Tyranny Inc. only skims the surface

Oswald Clark, Review: Tyranny Inc. by Sohrab Ahmari (Forum Books, $37.99, 252 pages) There is much material to support the promising subtitle of Sohrab Ahmari’s new book, Tyranny Inc: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty and What to Do About It but Ahmari focuses completely on aspect of supposedly tyrannical companies: their treatment of employees. Readers who know Ahmari as a critic of [...]

2023-09-29T13:23:15-04:00September 29, 2023|Reviews, Society & Culture|

Million Person March for Children protests gender ideology in schools

Paul Tuns: On Sept. 20, hundreds of thousands of parents took part in demonstrations at school boards, in front of provincial legislatures and city halls, on Parliament Hill, and at other public institutions to oppose gender ideology propaganda in schools and reassert the rights of parents in their children's education. In Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Kitchener, Hamilton, Mississauga, Ottawa, and Toronto thousands [...]

2023-09-29T13:15:28-04:00September 29, 2023|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

And Then There Was This , September 2023

The promotion of abortion in Northern Ireland’s schools In 1979, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) as a sort of ‘international bill of rights for women,’ to “ensure the elimination of all acts of discrimination against women.” The United Kingdom’s Conservative government has imposed legislation on Northern Ireland which the London-based [...]

2023-09-21T15:15:56-04:00September 21, 2023|Abortion, Society & Culture|

Human trafficking and abortion in Alberta

Richard Dur, Commentary: Three weeks after the release of Sound of Freedom, a film that tells the incredible true story of a former government agent who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers, Premier Danielle Smith announced a $4-million investment to tackle the scourge of human trafficking in Alberta. Typically, human trafficking takes the form of sexual [...]

2023-09-21T15:12:32-04:00September 21, 2023|Abortion, Politics, Society & Culture|


Josie Luetke: Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey There’s a quotation I really like from author and left-wing activist Andrew Boyd: “You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.” When you use abortion victim photography in activism, as I have for almost a decade now, [...]

2023-09-21T15:06:28-04:00September 21, 2023|Abortion, Josie Luetke|

Study purporting little trans regret after mastectomies criticized

Anna Kennedy : The Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) released a report examining the research on a study JAMA Surgery conducted on trans-identifying women who underwent mastectomies, and they found the research did not support the authors’ conclusion that women who remove their breasts to pose as males did not demonstrate regret with their decisions.  JAMA’s study, titled “Long-Term Regret and Satisfaction with [...]

2023-09-20T11:26:00-04:00September 20, 2023|Society & Culture|

Deaths that depart from the Covid narrative

John Carpay: When statisticians speak of “excess” deaths, they speak of a higher-than-expected death rate. The number of “expected” deaths (for a country or province, for one year or some other time period) is based on the population’s age, race, employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth rates, and mortality statistics for previous periods. For example, statisticians might expect 300,000 people to die in [...]

2023-09-20T11:15:45-04:00September 20, 2023|John Carpay|

Missed Manners: Rediscovering class again and again

Rick McGinnis: Interim writer, Rick McGinnis, Amusements In her new book On Class, Toronto writer and editor Deborah Dundas talks about showing up for a job interview at a television station overdressed. Brought up with a working-class background, she recalls that she “looked like I was pretending to be a banker,” while the people interviewing her dressed more casually, familiar [...]

2023-09-20T10:59:37-04:00September 20, 2023|Rick McGinnis, Society & Culture|

Beyond the headlines

Paul Tuns: From the editor's desk Typical headlines on a local crime story read “Nebraska teen who used pills to end pregnancy gets 90 days in jail” (New York Times) and “Nebraska teen sent to jail over illegal abortion” (Rolling Stone). The first is misleading, the second an outright lie. Read the actual news story and one discovers that Celeste Burgess, 18, [...]

2023-09-19T13:39:16-04:00September 19, 2023|Abortion, Paul Tuns|

Bishop Nicola De Angelis, RIP

Paul Tuns: Roman Catholic Bishop Nicola De Angelis, Bishop emeritus of Peterborough. Photo: Catholic Register Outspokenly pro-life Roman Catholic Bishop Nicola De Angelis, Bishop emeritus of Peterborough and former Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, died in Montefiascone, Italy on June 16 at the age of 84. Nicola De Angelis was born in Sabina, Italy in 1939 and immigrated to Canada in [...]

2023-09-19T13:33:54-04:00September 19, 2023|Religion|

Maltese legislature protects preborn

Warren McArthur: Maltese lawmakers successfully stopped an attempt by pro-abortion activists to demand concessions for legal and widespread abortion in their country. This is happening in light of a recent Pew research poll which shows widespread support for abortion across Europe. An amendment to the Criminal Code in Malta would have legalized abortion in cases where the mother’s health was at risk. [...]

2023-09-19T13:23:19-04:00September 19, 2023|Abortion|

Euthanasia for mentally ill

Rory Leishman: Time and again, the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pledged that as of March 17, 2024, physicians and nurse practitioners in Canada will be authorized to kill suicidal patients who are suffering solely from a mental illness. What can account for this appalling prospect? The Criminal Code of Canada clearly and unambiguously states in sections 14 and [...]

2023-09-15T08:03:42-04:00September 15, 2023|Euthanasia, Rory Leishman|

Canada’s MAiD program has gone ‘mad’

Alex Schadenberg:  Kelsi Sheren, a Canadian military veteran, witnessed the horrific death of a comrade in Afghanistan. Sheren who lives with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) told the Daily Mail in July 2023, “It's disgusting and it's unacceptable,” that authorities would rather euthanize a soldier than foot the bill for their recovery. The story of Veterans Affairs employees who advocated euthanasia for veterans [...]

2023-09-15T07:52:14-04:00September 15, 2023|Euthanasia|

The Thriving Landscape of Online Casino Real Money Philippines

Introduction The landscape of gambling in the Philippines has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of digital platforms. Among these, the online casino real money Philippines sector has emerged as a highly popular and lucrative industry. This article aims to explore the various facets of real money online casinos in the Philippines, discussing their legal framework, the advantages of playing, the [...]

2023-12-15T07:08:10-05:00September 15, 2023|Issues|

When ignorance means death

Donald DeMarco: “All men by nature desire to know,” Aristotle asserted. The eyes and ears are the organs of sensation which serve, as are the doorways to knowledge. Blindness and deafness are dreadful handicaps. In our desire to know, we use technology to open new doors to knowledge. The telescope, microscope, the X-Ray machine, radar, amplifiers, and so on, broaden our field [...]

2023-09-14T12:08:59-04:00September 14, 2023|Issues|
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