A few university campus pro-life clubs have recently held events that actively promote a positive image of the pro-life movement. Too often, pro-lifers are assumed to be negative and always against things. These events showed what pro-lifers are for – moms, babies, community support and protection of all human beings. The events are info fairs, which have been called Life Fair, Baby Fair and Celebrate Life at the University of Waterloo, McMaster University and the University of Toronto, respectively.

Community organizations that promote life-giving option for women and men facing crisis pregnancies were brought to campus for a day in general student areas on the above-mentioned campuses. These options are rarely presented on campus and are important for students to be aware of. A student can easily find info from Planned Parenthood or about contraception around campus, but it is much harder to find the valuable info offered at these info fairs.

McMaster LifeLine’s Baby Fair aimed to celebrate babies and motherhood. It wanted to raise awareness on campus about the many resources available in the Hamilton community for young mothers and families, women in crisis pregnancies and all children (born and unborn). Community organizations present included Birthright, Project Rachel, Beginnings Counselling and Adoption Services, St. Martin’s Manor, Hamilton Right to Life, Halton Pro-Life and the McMaster Chaplaincy Centre. People were encouraged to fill out surveys about their views on abortion. As well, an empathy belly (a backpack filled with 22 lbs. of flour) was worn throughout the day in the student centre. LifeLine also raised money for St. Martin’s Manor and displayed pro-life artwork.

University of Toronto Students For Life called its info fair Celebrate Life and brought to campus Toronto Right to Life, Birthright and Aid to Women. According to Kathy Matusiak, president of UTSFL, the reactions of students were “even stronger than those in the past to GAP (the Genocide Awareness Project).” They did not use any graphic images, but found the display and message just as effective.

At the University of Waterloo, the pro-life club, UWSFL, held its event under the title of Life Fair. The purpose was to show women, and the student body in general, the life-giving options available for a crisis pregnancy. Representatives from Birthright, Marillac Place, K-W Right to Life, Project Rachel and the K-W Pregnancy Resource Centre were on campus for the day in the Student Life Centre. A slideshow played throughout the day showing fetal images.

The goal was to show that the pro-life movement is inspired and motivated by love for all human beings. This particular idea for an event gave an outlet for the clubs to demonstrate there is more to the pro-life movement than being against abortion. It showed a loving and supportive side of the pro-life movement that is all too often overlooked or purposely ignored.

The club representatives agreed that it was a great day that created good dialogue. It was something that must happen again, the said.