What’s the point of padlocking the abortuary? I am sure that a number of my friends, who have been kind enough to express their encouragement and support are asking themselves that question. So, I thought a few of my ideas might be helpful.
Obviously locking the gate of the clinic will not stop abortions. It might delay one or two. With the right instrument it doesn’t take more than three minutes to cut the chain. So, what god does it do?
If we stop to analyse many of our daily habits we shall realize that symbolism plays a tremendous part in the living of our everyday lives. A handshake in itself is a very small action. But its true significance can be assessed by its refusal. The refusal to shake hands can often does mean the breaking of a life-long friendship.
Just suppose, for instance, that President Reagan were to publicly refuse to clasp the outstretched hand of Mr. Mulroney. Canada would consider it a colossal insult, not only to the Prime Minister but also to Canada as a nation. A handshake symbolically says, “I am you friend.” The refusal symbolically says, “I reject your friendship.” As a matter of historical interest, the reason we clasp each other’s right hand stems from the fact that the sword was traditionally worn at the left hip. So, giving each other the right hand meant, “Don’t worry, I can’t draw my sword while you are holding my right hand – we are friends.”
We can apply the same principle to many of our mutual actions – a smile, a scowl, a salute, a thumbs-up sign. As physical actions they are small and insignificant. But as symbols of our feelings towards people and nations they not only speak volumes but can unleash the dogs of war.
A few more examples
Let’s take the example of the burning the American flag in Nicaragua. Such an action does not mean that American grinds to a halt. But the flag is the symbol of everything for which America stands. Therefore, the burning of it can be, and is, the most powerful way of telling America, “We don’t like you. We hate you. Keep out of our country.”
The refusal of a junior officer to raise his right hand about a foot and touch the side of his head when passing a senior officer in the army could mean court martial and a few days in the “slammer.” Why” Because the refusal to salute symbolizes a lack of respect for authority.
Back to the gate
But let’s get back to the gate – the police will be waiting to greet us! What am I symbolically saying when I lock, or attempt to lock the clinic gate? Whether or not I succeed in locking it is not important. It is the symbolism that matters.
What I am saying to the public of Toronto is this. “This house is a bastion of everything that is evil. The open gate means, “come on in and have your baby murdered.” By locking the gate I am symbolically and publicly expressing my conviction that this house of death should be closed and its gate locked so that the lives of a least some unborn babies may be spared.
It says a lot more
But I am saying much more than that. I am challenging the Attorney General – who took an oath to uphold the law – to observe his oath of office. This clinic is not only immoral, it is illegal – it is a public breach of Section 251 of the Criminal Code. I am also showing my contempt for the action of the Commissioner of Police. His officers, on his orders, leap to arrest me for locking a gate while they protect the murderers who tear babies to pieces inside the clinic! I am also challenging the Premier – who claims he is anti-abortion to take a stand in defense of the lives of the weakest members of the Province. If he cannot do this – as he claims he cannot – then I think he should resign.
And even more
But I am also saying this. If my feeble efforts to make the public aware of the terrible crimes that are being committed in that house of death mean that I end up in jail…that I accept. We must live with the consequences of our decisions. I love my personal freedom too much to suggest that I would enjoy being in prison. I love my private room, my comfortable bed and my well-cooked meals too much to pretend that I would surrender them with a careless shrug.
But these creature comforts are the decorations of life – not life itself! When weighed in the balance against a public witness to the sacredness of human life and the rights of the unborn, they are but “sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.” And here I rest my case!
This column was written before the acquittal of February 10 and 25. Father Ted is a priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers).