Alissa Golob (left) and Jonathon Van Maren (right) address the attendees of the Toronto launch of the #No2Trudeau campaign April 10.

Alissa Golob (left) and Jonathon Van Maren (right) address the attendees of the Toronto launch of the #No2Trudeau campaign April 10.

A pro-life cross-country tour highlighting the extreme pro-abortion position of Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is being labelled a success by organizers Alissa Golob and Jonathon Van Maren.

Golob of Campaign Life Coalition and Van Maren of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform are hoping to get people to distribute a million pieces of literature in ridings across the country highlighting Trudeau’s pro-abortion position, make phone calls to identify pro-life voters for a massive get-out-the-vote effort, and volunteer for pro-life candidates.

The two have spoken to crowds of 30 to 300 people in 21 cities from Victoria to St. John’s, including Toronto on April 10. Golob told the crowd of about 50 pro-lifers, some who came to the event from Niagara Falls, “we are asking you to use your voice for the most important cause” defending preborn human life.

The #No2Trudeau campaign seeks to inform Canadians that not only does Trudeau oppose the right to life, but that he denies pro-lifers from becoming candidates for the Liberal Party. Golob said, “that as a young, pro-life women, I’m tired of being discriminated against by politicians for being pro-life.” Trudeau said if someone is pro-life and wants to run for political office they can run for another party.

Golob and Van Maren give a brief 45-minute presentation that includes video such as Trudeau saying he supported Quebec separating from Canada if the Harper government threatened abortion “rights.”

Trudeau, Golob said, is “a leader pro-lifers can unite against.” She #No2Trudeau is the “largest pro-life campaign” in Canadian history. “We’re here, we’re fed up, and we’re not going away.”

Van Maren said the campaign is designed to both inform the average Canadian and activate the pro-life movement. The campaign hopes to “rebuild a consensus on abortion and revitalize the pro-life base.” Noting that polling shows must Canadians favour neither a total ban on abortion nor a permissive abortion license, he said that showing Canadians what abortion entails through the use of graphic photos will help turn the tide against abortion.

Showing images used in previous social movements such as the anti-slavery, anti-child labour, and anti-Vietnam War causes, Van Maren said it is hard to think of a successful human rights campaign that did not show the world the injustice that they were fighting against.

After the #No2Trudeau presentations, attendees are asked to fill out forms with contact information and what activities – pamphleting, calling, volunteering for candidates – in which they are interested.

The two final dates on the 23-city tour are Ottawa on May 9 and Peterborough, Ont., on May 12.