Against the COVID jab (I)
I am shocked by some of Rory Leishman’s statements in his latest column (“The Pro-Life Case for Vaccines,” November). He claims there is no credible evidence that the available vaccines for COVID-19 pose severe risks to health. However, hundreds of eminent doctors all over the world (including Dr. M. Yeadon, a former vice-president of Pfizer) have been warning for some time about serious effects such as blood clots, inflammation of the heart, miscarriages in the first trimester, and paralysis. The VAERS (vaccine adverse effects reactions) reporting system in the US admits to more than 2 million reports of adverse effects, including more than 8,000 deaths. In the past vaccines were stopped after 25 to 50 deaths.
Regarding the question of the morality of using vaccines made from or tested with cells of murdered unborn babies (who had to be alive when their organs and tissue were taken), even if one were to accept that it is remote material cooperation, it would still be immoral because COVID poses little danger for the vast majority of people, and secondly, there are very effective treatments for the infection. In other words, there would be no proportional reason to use the vaccines. By cavalierly justifying the use of tainted vaccines we minimize the great evil of abortion in all its horror and numbers.
The issue of coercion is also of paramount importance. Forcing people to take medical interventions is against the Canadian Charter of Rights and the Nuremberg Code. There has to be true informed and voluntary consent especially for interventions of an experimental nature. It is scandalous that even some religious leaders are demanding vaccination to attend church services.
The jabs (which are not true vaccines) do not prevent infection of self or transmission to others as admitted even by those who promote them. In a sane world they would be taken off the market. And they certainly would not be imposed on children who have almost zero risk of dying from Covid-19.
Fr. Louis Di Rocco
Westport, Ont.
Against the COVID jab (II)
I’m writing to express my disappointment and concern about publishing Rory Leishman’s article, “The Pro-life case for vaccines.” Sorry, but I don’t believe there is a solid pro-life argument to made for the experimental gene therapy called a COVID-19 vaccine. Who is Leishman really criticizing when he questions a column from a pro-life publication? Is it LifeSiteNews? Then, say so.
Leishman raises the issue of misinformation, but his article is based on a lot misinformation. I’m one of those “misguided pro-lifers” referred to who believes children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19. Neither should healthy adults and those who have recovered from the virus and have their own natural antibodies. The author also assumes that the vaccines are safe and effective. Just trust the public health system? On what evidence has he come to that conclusion? How does he know what the long-term effects are of this new vaccine?
That Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have received the vaccine doesn’t make a valid case for their use. Leishman says, “Pro-life Canadians should also recognize that inoculation with Pfizer and Moderna vaccine is the sensible and right thing to do.” How does he know this? And there is need to morally worry ourselves if the vaccine was developed from a live unborn baby and later killed. After all, it happened fifty years ago.
Is Leishman aware that there have been more deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccine then we have had in the last thirty years from all other vaccines? Just think about that for a moment. According to the VAERS COVID vaccine adverse events, in the United States alone there were 8,068 deaths and 37,986 hospitalizations, as of Oct. 22.
I find no reason why this article belongs in The Interim. It’s not at all helpful to readers, pro-life or not, trying to make an ethical decision about this serious issue in this climate of fear, suffering and confusion. We hope you agree.
Lou Iacobelli
Toronto, Ont.
Against the COVID jab (III)
I was so taken aback by Rory Leishman’s article about ‘vaccines’. He calls those who are concerned about these experimental gene therapies “misguided pro-lifers” and tells us that there is no credible evidence to support allegations of severe risks. I don’t think Leishman has done his homework. All one has to do is to go to the Center for Disease Control’s very own site and look at the VAERS reports where one can see the devastation done to people with over 800,000 adverse reactions including blood clots, Bell’s Palsy, neurological paralysis, heart attacks, strokes, severe rashes, and on and on. There are families everywhere who are trying to tell their stories about a loved one who died after the shot, or who is now debilitated, but the media will not allow it as they are pulled off twitter and Facebook minutes after posting pictures of their loved ones.
Leishman does a great disservice to all those who are suffering after being coerced by family members or the government in order to keep their jobs, move about freely, and feed their families.
Never in the history of our nations has an experimental therapy been given to the public before all the trials have been done for safety and effectiveness, which will not be completed until at least 2023. We the people are the trial and the guinea pigs.
Why are so many lauded doctors, immunologists, virologists and even Nobel prize winners, being vilified and shut down for opposing these shots? That is the antithesis of true science. Scientists confer, discuss, work in teams, share ideas,
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said that they were not speaking on the safety of the “vaccines” only on the morality. I ask you, is it “moral” to tell people to go ahead and take an experimental drug that you have no knowledge of its safety and efficacy?
The CDF also stated that nobody’s conscience can or should ever be coerced. Telling people to go ahead and get the abortion-tainted shot, as long as you send off a letter to the pharmaceutical companies (who are profiting in the billions on the backs of unborn babies) to tell them how you object to unborn babies being used in the testing and production of these “vaccine”’ and want it stopped immediately!
Christine Oskirko
Barry’s Bay, Ont.
Against the COVID jab (IV)
I am writing to express my disappointment with the opinion of Leishman regarding the COVID vaccines. Some of these vaccines used, at some point in their development, cells that were obtained by an aborted fetus. The fact that this occurred nearly 50 years ago is totally irrelevant. The reality of the matter is that this terrible butchery of totally innocent babies has continued since that time until the present. And why? Because we, as a society, are willing to ignore the pain and suffering inflicted on these babies in the name of medical progress. If we would have collectively said “no, we will not participate in this” decades ago, science would have found another way to produce vaccines. As long as we are willing to allow drug companies to make money off of butchering babies, they will continue to do so.
The official position of the Catholic Church on abortion-tainted vaccines is put forth in the document “Dignitas Personae, on certain bioethical questions,” issued on Sept. 8, 2008. This document addresses the use of vaccines from aborted fetal cell lines. This is not applicable in the case of the COVID vaccines, as these babies were not aborted, but rather died as a result of the organs being harvested from them. To my knowledge, the Church has not addressed the issue of live organ harvesting in any official document.
We must ask ourselves: are we pro-life or not? If we are truly pro-life, we will not allow ourselves to be governed by fear, but rather like the Christians of old, will be willing to suffer anything rather than compromise on such important principles. If we, who consider ourselves pro-life, are unwilling to take a stand for these poor babies, who will?
Mary Theuerer
Lac du Bonnet, Man.