Interim Staff:
Catholic Canadians have joined a global movement of praying the rosary in public to ask Mother Mary to intercede to end COVID restrictions such lockdowns, forced masking, and coercive vaccine mandates.
Canada Prays is a weekly recitation of the Rosary in a public place in 50 communities across the country. The first one took place on Jan. 26 at 6 pm at numerous locations.
Georges Buscemi, organizer of the initiative, said, “Canada Prays, which is part of a global initiative, has as an immediate purpose the end of the unduly restrictive and unjust political regime implemented under the pretext of COVID, a regime which mandates abortion-tainted injections and punishes conscientious objection to these injections with fines, restricted movement or loss of employment.”
Buscemi said that it is time to “put the public domain under the protection of the Blessed Virgin” by means of “making a public act of prayer and of witnessing to our faith and therefore of reciting the rosary in public everywhere in Canada.”
Buscemi said that prayer is the only way to save Canada from the “COVID regime” and lift the country out of the “death-spiral it is engaged in.”
The Canada Prays initiative follows similar efforts that began in Austria and has since spread to Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Lebanon, Portugal, Spain, and the United States, among other countries.
Buscemi said that the initial prayer campaign was inspired by the rosary campaign launched in Austria after World War II to get rid of the communist presence in that country. In 1955, the Russians ended their occupation of Austria.
Campaign Life Coalition director of communications explained in a blog post that Catholics praying the rosary “to entrust the country to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and implore her to come to the aid of the people of Canada” will be an inspirational witness that will take place at the same locations on the same day and at the same time weekly “until the crisis has been resolved and peace and freedom return to the nation.”
Baklinski said, “While Canada has seen heroic Protestant and Evangelical leaders like Pastor Artur Pawlowski and Pastor James Coates fighting against COVID mandates, there has been very little resistance from Catholic leaders,” adding: “For Catholics looking to pitch in, this initiative is most welcome.
Buscemi said, “We are calling on faithful people who understand that society is falling fast and that divine intervention is needed” and “It is no longer a question of whether we need to pray, but how much and how hard.”
Buscemi said Catholics can join by becoming a member of the Telegram group and then joining one of the rosaries listed on the Google maps page. He urged that if there is no prayer group nearby, that those interested in taking part start one.