Serviceman at abortuary objected to being photographed

The case of an assault against a Toronto pro-life activist and counsellor may finally be coming to a close.

Last summer, Robert Hinchey was assaulted by a driver for Med-Tech, a medical waste management company. The driver shoved Hinchey’s camera into his face and threatened “to rip (his) head off.” The incident left Hinchey cut and bruised.

In December, Hinchey was approached by police from 51 Division with a possible solution. They said he could have the alleged assailant, whose name the police have not released, sign a peace bond which would prohibit him from coming near Hinchey again. The police said this was one possible resolution and that it had the endorsement of the Crown.

Hinchey told The Interim he considers the signing of the peace bond an admission of guilt, that what the driver did was wrong, so he agreed. Furthermore, it would save the costs and hassle of a trial.

Now Hinchey is trying to ascertain whether or not the police have received the alleged assailant’s signature and to see if the bond was properly registered with the authorities. So far, he has not been able to make that determination.