In early October, Canadian pro-lifers took to the streets for their annual Life Chain demonstrations. As in past years, Canadians lined the streets with signs such as “Abortion Kills Children”; “Adoption: The Loving Option,” and “Jesus Forgives and Heals.”
As in past years, Vancouver produced the biggest turnout with over 7,000 participants. Across Canada, over 35,000 people took part.
Though the numbers across the country were down last year, event-organizer Louis Di Rocco remained characteristically upbeat.
“It’s not only the number of people who take part,’ said Di Rocco, “It’s the number of people who see the signs.’ Di Rocco estimated that in one hour, on a busy intersection in Toronto, 7,500 cars pass by.
“If we cover all the big intersections in all the big cities for one hour, you can imagine the number of people who actually see our message.”