The time has come to move from passivity to activity, says Linda Gibbons, grandmother of four.

Since her release May 5 from the Vanier Centre for Women in Brampton, Ontario, after serving her latest prison sentence for obstructing a peace officer and breaking probation, Linda has done exactly that.

Instead of focusing completely on the plight of the preborn, however, her efforts have been directed towards her elderly parents and her injured daughter’s family.

Well known for her practice of civil disobedience in protesting the Ontario government’s injunction against pro-life witnessing at abortion centres, Linda decided to take some time off this summer and gather strength to continue sacrificing her freedom and comfort for the sake of the preborn.

Linda spent her first three weeks of freedom in Western Canada on her aged parents’ mammoth property in British Columbia. She offered to help them in the upkeep of the grounds, essentially spending her time there as gardener and landscaper.

Upon her return to Ontario, she was shocked to discover that her daughter had just been involved in a serious car accident and would be bed-ridden for a good portion of the summer. As a result, she switched gears from gardener to baby-sitter.

In addition to spending her time caring for her three grandchildren, aged five, six, and seven, a typical day in Linda’s life now involves putting pen to paper in response to the dozens of letters she has received during her time in prison and since her release. She takes on the task with joy.

Though she is currently out of prison, no one should think Linda is anything but outraged about the injunction against pro-life witnessing, which has, as she claims, created a “politically correct paralysis”—even among some pro-lifers.

She explains that people have allowed themselves to be so intimidated by the injunction, they’ve abandoned protests at abortion centres altogether, not realizing that effective demonstrations are still possible. Even before the injunction, Linda says, it was nearly impossible to get even two people a day to take part.

Linda often wonders why more people aren’t active in witnessing to the plight of the preborn.”If this is a cause dear to the Lord’s heart and He communicates His burdens to His people, where are His people?” she asks.

As a woman who has sacrificed nearly four years of her life in prison for violating a law she feels is unjust, Linda has had plenty of time to think about what needs to be done to stop abortion. She doesn’t judge others, but she makes no apologies for stating her belief that not enough is being done.

“We have what we allow,” Linda remarks. “If abortion’s so intolerable, why is it so tolerated?”

Even so, she has a joy about her. She knows that bringing an end to the culture of death is simply a matter of using the resources available. She challenges every pro-lifer to attempt to convince one person a year of the sacredness of human life. Linda says she plans on returning to her pro-life work in September.