Pro-life communities are not the only ones making an appeal young people. A recent item circulated by Pro-Life E News Canada shows that Planned Parenthood of America is also looking to appeal to youth.

PP has designated May as National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. To mark the occasion, PP has invited teenagers from across America to discuss “responsible, healthy choices” made regarding relationships and sexuality.

According to the report, the international anti-life, anti-family organization has asked teens to relate positive experiences they have had with Planned Parenthood under the following headings:

  • Services (medical services, counseling, etc);
  • Programs (educational classes, peer educators, family communication sessions, teen theatre presentations);
  • Materials (brochures, videos, etc.).

PP has also invited submissions of anything that makes young people feel more comfortable talking about sexuality with parents and peers.

The organization has established an e-mail account for young people to make their submissions. They are especially interested in reports showing “how you and Planned Parenthood have worked together to get the information you’ve needed to make well-informed, well-thought-out decisions. If you want the country to hear your voice, send your story today.”

In addition to its self-serving nature, the appeal to youth could represent something of a desperation move by Planned Parenthood. While the organization continues to enjoy a high profile and the support of some elites, its influence may be on the wane.

It recently reported a reduction in the number of abortion clinics it operates, and a number of communities throughout North America have refused additional funding to the organization. Such details seriously hamper PP’s aggressive expansion plans.