Interim Staff
On July 17, almost 5,000 young people gathered in the nation’s capital for a Christian youth rally, Cry2. CRY stands for Canada’s Revived Youth. The event was organized by the evangelical youth group 4 My Canada (Motivated Young People for a Strong Canada). The throng on the Hill heard speeches on the sanctity of life and the family, prayed for MPs and spoke of reclaiming Canada for Christ. The group’s lobbying efforts focus on parliamentary efforts to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16, restore the traditional definition of marriage and a bill by Liberal MP Paul Steckle to make abortion illegal after 20 weeks’ gestation. The group’s website states: “We believe the reason Canada has been strong in generations past is because she held fast to traditional values: honesty, integrity, generosity, the family, respect for God, a heart for the poor, etc. We believe we need a renewal of these values these days.”