Hi, my name is Kathleen Ross and I am an organizer for Ontario Students for Life. I am taking a year out of my university studies at Western to work full time for Ontario Students for Life.
Why am I doing this? I guess you could say it is a calling. I feel very moved to devote some serious time and effort to positive and supportive pro-life activities. I want to use my speaking and organizing skills to serve life.
True Justice
I have an intense passion for living, the joys and pains of our human existence, the simple pleasures in life, it is all so amazing. I have a burning desire to love and to serve, I am deeply concerned about the well being of others, particularly women and their unborn children.
I thirst for justice—true justice—which does not mean choosing between justice for women and justice for the unborn.
In my understanding, justice means justice and respect for all. Abortion and euthanasia are hurtful and destructive to everyone involved, I want to share what I know to be true. When I think about the tragic reality of abortion and euthanasia, of the pressure, worries, loneliness and injustices that lead people to choose death as a way to solve their problems, I recognize it is part of a bigger picture of social injustice.
Service and action
If we want to start challenging things we are going to have to do more than just talk about it. Service and action is what is called for—real help for people and their problems. We have to be united if we are going to be effective.
OSFL is a youth pro-life group which serves to unite, educate and activate students across the province. We believe that all human life is sacred from conception to natural death. This year I am travelling Ontario speaking in high schools and youth groups. I give an exciting and challenging presentation to educated young people and then help them to establish pro-life groups in their school and organize positive, proactive, pro-life projects in their communities.
Once I have visited an area I maintain regular contact with the local student leaders. At the same time, Troy Scotchburn is travelling the province for OSFL, working with University students on their campuses. OSFL also hosts annual provincial events including our educational energizing conferences, taking place this October in Windsor. Our Skate for Life Fund Raiser on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal during the festivities of Winter Luge.
Personal sponsorship
Aside from our regular fund raisers we are appealing for personal sponsorship from individuals of $10/month for ten months [cheques payable to Ontario Students for Life]. We really need YOUR help to make this year a success as expenses of travel, living, internet services, OSFL events, mailing, advertising, phone bills and literature all add up. I am really excited and hopeful about this year, it is laying the foundation for strong supportive youth pro-life action and leadership today and for the future.
If you would like to help sponsor this exciting project or talk to Kathleen or Troy please mail or phone: