Michael Coren

Dark and worrying agenda

Our schools are being drowned in gratuitous and agenda-driven social programs. As I write this column, the Roman Catholic schools in particular are facing a concerted attempt to promote the homosexual lifestyle, all in the guise of anti-bullying. But this is nothing new. More than 10 years ago I faced on my television show an example of political nastiness that [...]

2011-07-25T08:01:43-04:00July 25, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Justin Bieber stands up for life

C.S. Lewis, Thomas Aquinas, Socrates, Kierkegaard, Bieber. Or something like that. Up until quite recently I haven’t regarded 16-year-old pop sensation, and little girl heartthrob, Justin Bieber as a particularly great moral philosopher and academic ethicist, but I have to admit that I think I got it terribly wrong. Jest aside, the Canadian kid who makes pre-teens weep and scream at [...]

2011-06-20T08:39:47-04:00June 20, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Pro-life can teach the World

My new book, Why Catholics Are Right (McClelland & Stewart) has just been published. For those readers who are not Catholic, please know that this is in no way an attack on you. Some of the finest defenders of life I know are, for example, evangelical Protestants, who could also teach me a great deal about being a Christian. What [...]

2011-05-26T13:38:37-04:00May 26, 2011|Book Review, Columnist, Michael Coren|

Christians need not apply

Eunice and Owen Johns, 62 and 65, have just last month been ruled by the highest British court to be unsuitable as foster parents. They’re renowned as wonderful people, they do extraordinary outreach in their own English midlands black community, they give large amounts of their time and money to charity, and they have successfully and selflessly cared for 15 [...]

2011-04-24T11:46:19-04:00April 24, 2011|Michael Coren|

Christian Right isn’t so bad

The last few months have been a disgrace for journalism. Especially for Canadian journalism. Especially for liberal Canadian journalism. Unable to tolerate what seems to be losing in the game of democracy and terrified by the possibility of a Conservative majority government, left-leaning pundits decided to blame the participants. Welcome to the hellish world of The Christian Right. I’ve never [...]

2011-03-26T17:02:18-04:00March 26, 2011|Michael Coren|

Can’t wait for my Sun TV

First he was, then he wasn’t, now he is again. In charge of Sun TV, that is. Kory Teneycke is his name and he’s a bright, fearless and startlingly youthful media expert. He’s also someone I’m proud to say is a friend. Frankly, I’ve never really discussed abortion, euthanasia, population size, sexuality and related issues with Kory, but I suspect [...]

2011-02-22T07:15:08-05:00February 25, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The barbaric vision of progressive heroes

There is nothing right or left-wing about pro-life, but pro-lifers are repeatedly and ridiculously condemned and dismissed as being on the right. Life, however, is more important than political labels. But while we know of the murderous fascists of the 1940s, we need to understand something of those assumed to be the good guys – the socialist thinkers and writers [...]

2011-01-24T22:15:09-05:00January 21, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Celebrating what divides us

Sometimes life can be disappointing. Just like when I was a child and that longed-for present wasn’t in Santa’s sack, my hopes were dashed recently when I was once again not included on the list of the inductees into Canada’s Queer Hall of Fame. Last year saw the first inductees: Pierre Trudeau, swimmer Mark Tewksbury and drag queen Robert Kaiser, [...]

2010-12-06T14:13:36-05:00December 10, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Police: agents of the state

In early October in Ottawa the police arrested five students from Carleton and Queens universities for displaying a pro-life exhibition at Carleton. They were peaceful, merely expressing an opinion and showing people the realities of abortion. Some of the pictures were graphic in nature but then abortion is graphic in nature and death and killing are bloody and nasty. In an [...]

2010-11-17T12:57:30-05:00November 17, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Losing John Wesley

I’m about to make my annual visit to Britain, the land of my birth and where I spent the first 27 years of my life. Also, the country of John Wesley, who was born a little over 300 years ago. Wesley was, of course, the founder of Methodism, an evangelical grouping that began within the Church of England but eventually [...]

2010-09-08T18:33:45-04:00September 13, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Family values

Today people have a tendency to hold their ha nds up and make pretend quotations marks when they use the phrase “family values” as though they’re embarrassed about it and want to qualify or justify what they’re saying. There’s no need. Family values are obvious – as natural as family itself. We can argue the politics, but for once let’s [...]

2010-08-28T06:21:59-04:00August 28, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|


We’ve all heard it. “You anti-abortion people are obsessed with one issue.” Actually we’re pro-life and it’s you who try to make us monomaniacal by calling us anti-abortion. Mind you, to be opposed to the mass slaughter of the most vulnerable people in society is hardly anything of which to be ashamed and it’s surely activists who obsess about taxes [...]

2010-07-14T05:18:38-04:00July 14, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Wrong priorities for Africa

Sometimes I wonder why the people of Africa do not positively detest Europe and North America. We have exploited, colonized and raped their continent for centuries and continue to sell arms to their dictators whom we have put in place and then condemn them for spending money on wars. We invaded their countries, destroyed their culture and enforced white privilege [...]

2010-06-16T07:06:04-04:00June 16, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The scandal that dare not speak its name

The sun is shining, or it’s raining or snowing, so it must be time for yet another attack on the Roman Catholic church. This time involving lies about the Pope, his brother and, before long, his auntie Freda and his pet cat Hans. Logical thinking and balanced thought were eliminated from this subject long ago. It’s church-bashing time and why [...]

2010-05-10T11:36:09-04:00May 10, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Skip Avatar, read a book

In early March, the usual Hollywood types gathered at the usual Hollywood Oscar event and gave the usual people the usual awards. Avatar didn’t win much, but it hardly matters – it’s the most financially successful movie in the history of cinema. It’s also anti-Christian, anti-human and bursting with pagan and anti-life concepts and constructs. Set in 2154, it concerns [...]

2010-04-07T06:09:12-04:00April 9, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren, Movie Review|
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