Michael Coren

Reactions to pro-life talk

Recently, in my Sun Media column, I wrote of being invited by a student group at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. to speak on the issue of abortion. I wrote in the column that the organizers of the event were obliged to hire security guards after threats were made to disrupt the event and how these were taken seriously as [...]

2010-03-31T05:01:51-04:00March 21, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Puppy mills bad, abortion mills okay

It’s become as achingly regular and just as irritating as a publicly funded documentary claiming to disprove Christianity. Celebrities and activists, that is, moaning on about animal rights and telling us that our humanity is defined by how much we care for kittens. The reason this is so bitingly relevant to the pro-life movement is because of the deep, dark [...]

2010-02-23T13:52:08-05:00February 19, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Using the culture of death against pro-lifers

It’s always astounded me that people who accuse pro-lifers of being obsessed with abortion are actually some of the first people to mention the subject whenever they think they can win an argument, even when it’s not directly relevant. One example is whenever an act of Islamic extremist terror occurs. “All religions produce murderers and fanatics,” runs the moan. “Look [...]

2010-01-17T19:15:02-05:00January 17, 2010|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Speaking the truth, no matter what

I accuse. The various federal and provincial human rights commissions of discrimination. Against me. Because, for years now, I have spoken out against same-sex “marriage,” the excesses of the gay community and Muslim extremism in my column as well as on my television show, watched by 250,000 people. Good Lord, I’ve even made speeches on these issues, addressing thousands of people. I [...]

2009-12-23T08:13:09-05:00December 23, 2009|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The truth about clergy abuse

In early October, a former Roman Catholic bishop, Raymond Lahey, was charged with the possession and distribution of child pornography. Whether he is guilty or not is yet to be decided, but the case does look extremely bad. Beyond what he is accused of having had on his laptop computer recently, it is also alleged that he was seen in [...]

2009-11-17T21:36:42-05:00November 13, 2009|Columnist, Michael Coren, Religion|

Who deserves our respect?

Titus Brandsma was a small, gentle, bespectacled man. He spent years working with the Dutch underground movement to smuggle Jewish people out of the Netherlands and away from the threat of the Nazi murderers. As a monk, he rejected violence and so would not, could not, pick up a gun to use against the oppressors of goodness and all he [...]

2009-10-23T10:43:44-04:00October 23, 2009|Columnist, Michael Coren, Society & Culture|

Sexualizing children

Once again the assembled chiefs of police in Canada have called for an increased number of officers to deal with what they describe as a “spiralling increase” in the amount of child pornography on the internet. They explained to a press conference that a quarter of a million separate internet addresses in Canada are actively downloading the most horrendous scenes [...]

2009-09-29T05:32:53-04:00September 29, 2009|Columnist, Marriage and Family, Michael Coren|

Beware the spankophobes

It’s an annual event now, like some sort of grotesque birthday – the attempt to make the spanking of one’s child a criminal offence. The zealots have failed so far, but be warned that each time, they come a little closer. For most of us, the normal ones, the issue is largely irrelevant. Spanking is sometimes helpful, and frequently a [...]

2009-09-14T09:39:45-04:00August 14, 2009|Columnist, Human rights, Marriage and Family, Michael Coren|

Mum and Dad

The last time I saw my dad alive was as he walked, arm in arm, with my mum through the departure gates of Toronto airport. It was symbolic. He turned around to wave goodbye. In a few weeks, he would be dead. I found out after his death that he had been suffering from agonizing bone cancer that had taken [...]

2009-08-13T13:20:01-04:00July 13, 2009|Columnist, Marriage and Family, Michael Coren|

Christians as a mirror

It’s taken quite some time for the attacks upon the Roman Catholic church, the Pope and all serious Christians to die down. Dead they are not, but resting in their ugly tomb they most certainly are until the opportunity arises again. The reason, or the excuse, for the last barrage was the Pope’s comments about the dangers of condom use [...]

2009-07-20T11:52:20-04:00June 20, 2009|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Time to resurrect the debate

      It would be absurd and misleading to call it an anniversary. That word is indelibly linked with celebration, joy and the marking of an achievement. It is 40 years since the Omnibus Bill was passed, decriminalizing homosexuality and allowing abortion and contraception. Interestingly enough, it also imposed stricter gun control and harsher laws for animal cruelty. In [...]

2009-05-24T18:21:04-04:00May 24, 2009|Michael Coren|

Bad parents = bad kids

Let me tell you, as they say, a little story. An 11-year-old boy is abused by another child. The abuser is habitually foul-mouthed, using the most obscene of words as a matter of course, sometimes in front of his father. He sometimes becomes horribly angry, screaming four-letter words at other children and shoving them. He tells his friends that he [...]

2009-05-13T09:32:17-04:00January 9, 2009|Columnist, Marriage and Family, Michael Coren|
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