Michael Coren

Let’s be more judgemental

It is always fascinating to see how modern Western man and modern Western woman obsess about not being judgemental when what they really mean is that their opponents should not say anything critical about the more sensitive issues of the day. Fine, for example, to say the most acid things about a conservative or a Christian, but terribly "judgement" to [...]

2010-01-13T06:50:10-05:00December 13, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Self-marriage comes into effect

A letter to the prime minister, who has announced that he has no plans to define and protect marriage as what it is - the union of one man and one woman. Dear Mr. Harper: I have wonderful news and I'd like to share it with you and the government. I'm going to marry myself. There, I've said it. The [...]

2010-01-12T15:51:17-05:00November 12, 2008|Columnist, Issues, Michael Coren|

Times are a changing

Sometimes we in the media merely play a game. Making little ripples at the side of the water rather than diving right in to make an almighty splash. In other words, we run around the edge of various problems and debates but are afraid to shine light on the authentic dilemmas of our age. Whether it’s politics, economics, culture or [...]

2010-01-04T10:48:20-05:00October 4, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren, Society & Culture|

Garbage as ‘art’

I have made it something of a hobby to keep abreast of developments in the art world. We live in an insane society, but nowhere is lunacy more strident than in our galleries and art schools. Here, the pretentious run amok and the foolish rule. And guess what, the institutions, icons and symbols of Christianity and the pro-life movement are frequently the [...]

2010-01-04T09:54:17-05:00September 4, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The West is not decadent?

I am no friend of Islamic fundamentalism and, according to some people, not even a particular friend of Islam itself. No need to defend myself. As a Christian and as a thinking human being, I embrace the inevitable conclusion of exclusive truth. In other words, if one belief is right, a contradictory belief has to be wrong. This should not [...]

2009-12-30T09:07:04-05:00August 30, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Our badge of honour

Last year, we commemorated the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade by the British parliament. Anglican leaders in Britain have marched around the country offering their apologies and even Prime Minister Tony Blair has said sorry, as if he was somehow personally responsible. Hardly a day went by without another confused and confusing European or North American [...]

2009-12-30T07:56:34-05:00July 30, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Public funding for trash

Every time the issue of removing or qualifying public funding of the arts is discussed in Canada, the liberal classes throw up a smoke-screen of confusion. It is the imposition of values, they argue, and a form of censorship that will stifle creativity. Let’s be bold and honest here. Most contemporary writers and especially artists and television directors are about [...]

2009-12-30T07:06:06-05:00June 30, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

A different ‘Think CBC’ campaign

The CBC recently told a government spokesman that it needed more financial support. “We simply cannot continue,” the terrible Tories were told, “unless we have more backing.” How terribly sad. Perhaps it’s time for another extraordinarily expensive advertising blitz, paid for by you to, well, to make you watch them. Perhaps they should resurrect the “Think CBC” campaign of a few years [...]

2009-12-28T09:25:40-05:00April 28, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Child pornography betrays society’s claim to care for children

In the middle of February, more than 20 men and one woman were arrested in Ontario on charges of manufacturing and selling child pornography. The police revealed that there were more than 200,000 internet addresses in Canada that actively download the most horrendous scenes of child sexual abuse and that the problem appeared to be growing. Giving talk radio warriors [...]

2009-12-23T12:08:15-05:00March 23, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Suggestions for your library

Commentary Michael Coren True wisdom begins with the fear and love of God. True knowledge, however, requires reading. And if we do not read, we are rejecting the great communication given us by our Creator to appreciate, understand and enjoy. Literature is a force for light and good, too often abandoned to those who dance in very different places. There are legions [...]

2009-12-16T15:10:41-05:00January 16, 2008|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The meaning of Christmas

This Christmas I will fall to my knees at church and thank and praise God for the birth of his Son. Why? The evidence of the early church, the eyewitness accounts from neutral or even hostile sources, the ever-increasing tangible proof from archeological digs and the abundantly meagre nature of the standard objections. Let us remember the innocent, crying baby born in [...]

2018-08-07T10:08:59-04:00December 7, 2007|Michael Coren|

T.S. Eliot: he changed literature

He was arguably the greatest English-language poet of the 20th century and a figure who changed world literature. He was also a dedicated Christian who embraced Anglo-Catholicism and would almost certainly be a member of the Roman Catholic Church if he were alive today. Thomas Stearns Eliot, was born in the United States in St. Louis in 1888, but became a British [...]

2010-05-19T11:29:45-04:00July 19, 2007|Michael Coren, Profiles|

Malcolm Muggeridge: a sparkling soul

When Malcolm Muggeridge died in 1990, it can be said without any fear of hyperbole that one of the most sparkling minds and souls of contemporary Christianity and the pro-life movement had been taken from us. The body died, but the achievements live on, mostly in books such as Jesus, The Man Who Lives, Paul, Envoy Extraordinary, volumes of autobiography, biographies of Mother [...]

2010-01-14T13:16:50-05:00January 14, 2007|Columnist, Michael Coren, Profiles|

Today homosexuality, tomorrow pedophilia

Just as one taboo - homosexuality - comes crashing down in the form of court-mandated social acceptance of same-sex "marriages," another taboo is being challenged: pedophilia. Cybercast News Service recently reported that an increasing number of websites propagandize for the social acceptance of pedophilia. It is not, advocates of pedophilia say, an iniquity or an infirmity, but a mere sexual preference crying [...]

2010-08-04T11:58:14-04:00August 4, 2003|Michael Coren, Society & Culture|
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