Victor Penney

Sacrificing faith for sports

Interim writer Victor Penney, Sporting Life Are parents sacrificing the souls of their children on the altar of sports? I started thinking about this recently when I came across an article about the high-stakes world of preteen go-kart racing. The Washington Post ran a story about two boys, Julian and Alessandro, who’ve been “fierce competitors since they were 9 and [...]

2025-02-27T13:00:05-05:00February 26, 2025|Religion, Victor Penney|

Why I hate that I don’t ‘hate’ the Kansas City Chiefs

Victor Penney: Interim writer Victor Penney, Sporting Life I find myself in a rather uncomfortable position with the NFL playoffs kicking off this month. I’m doing the unthinkable: falling in love with another team, and it hurts. As a longtime fan of the Dallas Cowboys, it pains me to say this, but they’ve been a trainwreck this season, and my [...]

2025-01-23T14:20:14-05:00January 23, 2025|Abortion, Society & Culture, Victor Penney|

Did abortion spoil the World Series?

Victor Penney: Interim writer Victor Penney, Sporting Life Did a pro-life presidential candidate hit a home run when he paid to air graphic Abortion Victim Photography during the World Series? It depends whom you ask. Before you start wondering who it was, the answer is not Donald Trump. It was Randall Terry of the Constitution Party. This is the same [...]

2024-12-28T11:28:54-05:00December 28, 2024|Abortion, Politics, Victor Penney|

Tackling pro-abortion politics

Victor Penney: Interim writer Victor Penney, Sporting Life One of the strongest pro-life messages during this U.S. Presidential election hasn’t come from everyone’s “favourite” Republican candidate. In fact, it hasn’t even come from a politician. It’s from someone who made a good living by getting grown men to knock over tackling dummies. So, who is it? It’s none other than [...]

2024-11-04T10:04:06-05:00November 4, 2024|Abortion, Politics, Victor Penney|
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