Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship

A return to homeostasis of the family body

Rebecca Malcolm Editor’s Note: Rebecca Malcolm, a Sacred Heart Catholic High School student in Newmarket, Ont., won second prize in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship contest. This is an edited version of her essay. Behind every great individual there is a family unit, acting as the backbone and support through which the individual develops and grows. In turn, the family [...]

The family of humanity

Mary Clarin Editor’s Note: Mary Clarin, an Archbishop Carney S.S student in, Port Coquitlam, B. C., won third prize in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship contest. This is an edited version of her essay. From Neanderthals to Ancient Egyptians, from the Romans to twenty first century Canadians, throughout history mankind has consistently proven that there is strength found in solidarity. [...]

The Procession of Untruths

Carmen Salayka Carmen Salayka, a Grade 12 student in St. Theresa of Lisieux, Richmond Hill, Ont. won third prize in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship, co-sponsored by Niagara Region Right to Life and The Interim Once upon a time, as young children, our parents read us fairy tales. We allowed our imaginations to unravel the plots as we immersed ourselves [...]

2015-05-22T17:02:27-04:00May 22, 2015|Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship|

Fr. Ted Essay contest second place winner

Monika Jezierski Monika Jezierski, a Grade 12 homeschooled student in Kingsville, Ont., won second prize in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship, co-sponsored by Niagara Region Right to Life and The Interim.  Hans Christian Andersen’s fable, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a prophetic warning for our generation. He understood 200 years ago how dangerous the contradiction of beliefs may be. In [...]

2015-04-24T14:09:33-04:00April 24, 2015|Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship|

Fr. Ted Colleton essay winner

Nathan Ko, a Grade 11 student at St. Brother Andre C.H.S. in Markham, Ont., won first prize in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship, co-sponsored by the Niagara Region Right to Life Association and The Interim. "Quid est veritas?” Pilate asked Jesus. “What is truth?” From Plato to Aristotle, from Augustine to Thomas Aquinas, scholars, philosophers, and theologians have long pondered and debated [...]

The Interim Plus

Fr. Ted Colleton Hi educator friends,   The excitement of a new school year is still fresh, and here is another edition of The Interim Plus, a curriculum resource for interested teachers. With all the turmoil in the world, a lot of people are being forced to leave their normal habitat or are consciously choosing to seek better opportunities elsewhere. [...]

2014-09-22T09:04:36-04:00September 22, 2014|Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship, Web Exclusives|

Multi-faceted attacks on life in our society

Sara Omaiche Editor’s Note: Essay contest administrator Dan DiRocco provided translation from French to English for this essay. Sara Omaiche is from Windsor and was third in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship contest. A society that strives for utopia, should it not promote life over death? It took several centuries of heated debate to establish a movement uniting people and [...]

2014-06-03T17:39:35-04:00May 31, 2014|Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship, Pro-Life|

The Father Ted Colleton Scholarship

The co-sponsors of the Father Ted Colleton Scholarship program, The Interim newspaper and Niagara Region Right to Life, are proud to announce the theme for the essay portion of the contest for the upcoming academic year 2014-2015. This edition will be the 13th year of the scholarship and it continues to grow and draw young people into the pro-life movement as learners. More than 800 students have participated [...]

Understanding and abolishing the culture of death

Shikha Patel Editor’s Note: Shikha Patel is a student at Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy in Markham, Ont., and was second in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship contest. Canada, the land of the free. We live in a country fundamentally envisioned as a society of diversity, equality, and tolerance. However, upon closer observation, it becomes evident that in order to [...]

Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship winner

Anselm Ragetli Editor’s Note: Anselm Ragetli is a student at St. Paul’s High School in Winnipeg. He finished first in the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship contest out of 69 entrants. The second and third place finishers will appear in a forthcoming edition of the paper. The Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship is co-sponsored by The Interim and Niagara Region Right to [...]

2014-03-20T20:19:04-04:00March 20, 2014|Announcements, Features, Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship|

Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship contest

The Interim newspaper and Niagara Region Right to Life have teamed up again to offer the Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship for the 12th year. The scholarship, created with Fr. Ted Colleton’s blessing, was founded to encourage young people to learn about, and engage, pro-life issues and become involved in the pro-life movement. Program administrator Dan Di Rocco, a former high school principal [...]

2013-10-05T17:29:33-04:00October 5, 2013|Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship|
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