Marriage and Family

The myth of ‘work-life balance’

Meaning of Life by David L. Bahnsen (Post Hill Press, $29, 205 pages) Paul Tuns, Review: David Bahnsen is the founder and Chief Investment Officer of a wealth management company and a committed Christian, and he brings a wealth of knowledge from both perspectives to Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, a brief and highly readable book about the importance of work. Bahnsen condemns [...]

2024-04-10T11:52:26-04:00April 10, 2024|Marriage and Family, Religion, Reviews|

NDP MP says children, not parents, have rights

Paul Tuns: New Democratic Party MP Randall Garrison (Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke) was asked by a reporter during a scrum about Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s new parental rights policy, to which he responded “there is no such thing as parental rights in Canada.” The off-camera reporter asked Garrison, “Do you view this as a parental rights issue at all?” Garrison, who is openly homosexual, said, [...]

2024-03-06T10:44:29-05:00March 6, 2024|Marriage and Family, Politics|

Premier Danielle Smith announces suite of trans policies for Alberta

Joanna Alphonso and Paul Tuns: Mixed reactions erupted across the country as Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, in a video post on X (formerly Twitter), shared her plan on Jan. 31 to protect women and children from the LGBQT ideology. Smith’s plan includes a ban on gender reassignment surgeries for children ages 17 and under, and a ban on puberty blockers and hormone [...]

2024-03-06T10:42:47-05:00March 6, 2024|Marriage and Family, Politics, Society & Culture|

State-sanctioned sterility

As many provinces celebrate Family Day, there is a movement afoot, in both Ontario and Manitoba, to follow the example of British Columbia in providing universal coverage for contraception; in that fact, of course, there is no little irony. Just as the holiday points to the indisputable facts of the family—and every citizen’s origin therein—there is a push for the pharmaceutical suppression [...]

2024-02-16T12:32:40-05:00February 16, 2024|Bioethics, Marriage and Family, Politics, Society & Culture|

Two cheers for Family Day

In mid-February, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan will celebrate Family Day. But what can such a holiday mean in an age when marriage is no longer understood to be the fertile, permanent union of man and a woman; when the very words “mother” and “father” are avoided for being too-sex-specific; and when our culture, mired in Soviet-era levels of [...]

2024-02-16T12:14:26-05:00February 16, 2024|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

Leslyn Lewis promotes anti-UN petition

Paul Tuns: Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis endorsed a petition calling on Canada to leave the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) because the organizations undermine national sovereignty and the personal autonomy of its citizens. The petition was launched in October and was signed by nearly 19,000 Canadians in its first month. The petition explains that the UN’s Agenda 2030’s SDGs [...]

2024-02-08T14:51:12-05:00February 7, 2024|Abortion, Marriage and Family, Politics|

Pope Francis calls for ban on surrogacy

Paul Tuns: During his annual address to diplomats in January, Pope Francis called surrogacy “a grave violation of the dignity of the women and the child” as he called for global ban on the practice of surrogacy. Pope Francis said a child’s life should not be “suppressed or turned into an object of trafficking" and called on the global community “to prohibit [...]

2024-02-05T13:20:55-05:00February 5, 2024|Bioethics, Marriage and Family, Religion|

And then there was this, January 2024

  Texas abortion law upheld  Abortion in Texas is mostly illegal. An abortion can only be carried out when the mother’s life is in such danger that “a life-threatening physical condition aggravated by, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy that, as certified by a physician, places the woman in danger of death or a serious risk of substantial impairment of a [...]

2024-01-31T10:18:36-05:00January 31, 2024|Abortion, Marriage and Family|

What men think about when they think of Rome

Rick McGinnis: Interim writer, Rick McGinnis, Amusements I knew something was up when my eldest daughter texted me: “Dad, how often do you think about the Roman Empire?” I replied quickly – and honestly. “At least every other day.” “That’s what I thought,” she wrote. “I know why you’re asking this,” I responded. It had begun just a few days [...]

2023-12-12T12:26:37-05:00December 12, 2023|Marriage and Family, Rick McGinnis, Society & Culture|

Trans Inc is taking America by storm

Joanna Alphonso: Episode 28 of Tucker Carlson’s show, “Tucker on X” (formerly Twitter) featured Chris Moritz, a longtime investment banker and policy enthusiast to discuss what he calls “Trans Inc.” Moritz begins by explaining that transgenderism is largely driven by the sex reassignment industry. In 2018, the industry grossed at least $2.94 billion, which rose to $4.18 billion in 2022, and is [...]

2023-12-11T09:50:02-05:00December 11, 2023|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

Ontario school board hides gender transitions from parents

Paul Tuns: A leaked York Region District School Board memo reveals that the public school board has directed teachers to keep gender transitions of their students secret from their parents.  The Sept. 28 memo was leaked to independent journalist Chanel Pfahl, a former educator. It states, “Parents should not be contacted without the student’s consent about any change in identifiers.” The memo, [...]

2023-11-10T11:25:40-05:00November 10, 2023|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

Two parents are better than one

Paul Tuns, Review: The Two-Parent Privilege: How Americans Stopped Getting Married and Started Falling Behind by Melissa S. Kearney (University of Chicago Press, $32.50, 225 pages) For the second time in two years, a long-time argument made by conservatives became mainstream following the publication of a book that digs deep into the data about a social phenomenon that had previously been both controversial [...]

2023-11-07T10:36:02-05:00November 7, 2023|Marriage and Family, Reviews, Society & Culture|

Premier Moe invokes notwithstanding clause to uphold parental rights

Paul Tuns: On August 22, then Saskatchewan Minister of Education Dustin Duncan announced the implementation of a parental consent policy to ensure parents and guardians were notified and gave permission to schools before teachers began using a student’s chosen name and pronouns at odds with their biological sex if the student is under 17 years of age. After a Saskatchewan judge temporarily [...]

2023-11-06T15:15:05-05:00November 6, 2023|Marriage and Family, Politics, Society & Culture|

And Then There Was This, October 2023

Is freedom of speech dead in Finland? Paivi Rasanen is an elected Member of Parliament in Finland. In 2022, she and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola faced hate-crime charges for the publication of a 2004 booklet which confirmed the biblical truth that marriage is between a man and a woman. A three-judge panel in Helsinki unanimously decided that it was not the business [...]

2023-10-13T11:30:33-04:00October 13, 2023|Abortion, Marriage and Family, Religion|

Christian Heritage Party outlines its priorities

Paul Tuns: On Sept. 15, Christian Heritage Party leader Rod Taylor held a press conference to elucidate where the party stands on issues other than abortion while committing itself to “the protection of innocent human life from conception until natural death, a position we still hold . . . and on this position we stand alone.” Held in the Ottawa Press Gallery [...]

2023-10-06T11:22:36-04:00October 6, 2023|Abortion, Marriage and Family, Politics, Society & Culture|
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