Summer Jobs

Canada Summer Jobs: ideology trumps the rule of law

Law Matters John Carpay Justin Trudeau loves preaching about “diversity,” “tolerance,” and “inclusion.” Sadly, these concepts have no application to Christian summer camps which help underprivileged children to enjoy hiking, swimming, canoeing and campfires. In 2018, the Trudeau government tried to force Canada Summer Jobs applicants to sign an attestation supporting the prime minister’s views on abortion. Trudeau backed down [...]

2020-03-12T08:24:43-04:00March 12, 2020|John Carpay, Politics, Summer Jobs|

Trudeau’s egregious abortion record

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the most pro-abortion prime minister Canada has ever had. Justin Trudeau is the most pro-abortion prime minister this country has ever had. That is a bold statement, but the facts are indisputable. While previous prime ministers broadened the abortion law or claimed there was social peace so there was no need to talk about the [...]

2019-08-08T07:17:24-04:00August 7, 2019|Abortion, Announcements, Features, Summer Jobs|

Charity takes government to court over Summer Jobs discrimination

JCFF president John Carpay says the Liberals are still compelling ideological agreement with the government. A registered charity running summer camps for youth has filed court applications against the federal government after the charity’s applications for 2019 Canada Summer Jobs grants were denied. The charity, BCM (Canada) International, is a registered charitable organization, which runs two summer camps providing recreational [...]

2019-08-08T07:29:50-04:00July 29, 2019|Politics, Society & Culture, Summer Jobs|

The scandal of raking in tax dollars

The pro-abortion groups which actively worked to ban pro-life groups from receiving the Canada Summer Jobs Program strongly benefited from that same Canada Summer Jobs Program. And they benefited from lots of other government funding as well. Last year Joyce Arthur reported that pro-life groups had received $1.8 million in funding for the Canada Summer Jobs Program over eight years. That’s a [...]

2019-07-23T13:01:39-04:00July 24, 2019|Summer Jobs|
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