Bits n’ Pieces

Bits & Pieces

Canada The abortion pill Mifegymiso was available for the first time in Canada in mid-January at two women’s health clinics: Calgary’s Kensington Clinic and Vancouver’s Willow Women’s Clinic. Health Canada approved the drug in 2015 for distribution in 2016 but delays on the manufacturing and distributor’s side prevented it from becoming available until last month. Celia Posyniak, the executive director of Calgary’s [...]

2017-02-27T13:46:05-05:00February 27, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The National Post’s Christie Blatchford reported that an unidentified 44-year-old teacher was fired from the Fraser Academy private school in the Vancouver area after a student complained that he was pro-life. Explaining that there can be a “difference between people’s private morality and law” the teacher offered as an example that he is personally opposed to abortion although it is allowed [...]

2017-01-24T08:06:15-05:00January 28, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Conservative MP Mark Warawa (Langley-Aldgergrove) gave notice of introducing M-77, a motion condemning gendercide. In 2012, Warawa brought forth a motion condemning sex-selective abortion, but it was ruled non-votable. Warawa says “the three most deadliest words in the world are ‘it’s a girl’,” and points to polls that show 92 per cent of Canadians are opposed to the practice of sex-selective [...]

2016-12-29T13:42:31-05:00December 29, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada During a nomination hearing, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s first Supreme Court appointee, Justice Malcolm Rowe of Newfoundland and Labrador, elaborated on his comment in his application for the job that he believes judges make law rather than limit themselves to interpreting it, saying “it is our responsibility to encroach upon the authority of Parliament.” The Mail’s Sean Fine said the comments [...]

2016-11-25T08:21:19-05:00November 30, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Former Speaker of the House of Commons, Conservative MP Andrew Scheer (Regina—Qu’Appelle) announced Sept. 28 he was seeking the Conservative leadership. Scheer, who was first elected in 2004, has a perfect pro-life and pro-family voting record according to Campaign Life Coalition although he did not vote on bills and motions during his time as Speaker ... Conservative MP and leadership hopeful [...]

2016-10-27T07:30:55-04:00October 27, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Globe and Mail reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning to apologize to homosexuals who lost their jobs, were denied promotions, and jailed due to their sexual orientation. Trudeau told reporters before the Montreal Pride Parade “it’s good to acknowledge wrongs but it is has to be followed by something concrete” … Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown released [...]

2016-09-29T07:29:52-04:00September 30, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Statistics released by the Canadian Institute for Health Information reported that there were at least 81,897 surgical abortions in Canada in 2014, the latest year for which there are numbers. That is a decline of nearly 1000 from the year before and of nearly 9500 from 2011. However, the numbers do not include abortions committed at free-standing abortion facilities and some [...]

2016-08-17T07:10:08-04:00August 17, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada On March 1, the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Sheilah Martin granted permission to an unidentified Calgary woman with Lou Gehrig’s Disease to have a doctor in British Columbia assist in her death “if she so chooses.” Martin held the hearing in closed court, considered statements from two doctors to be sufficient evidence, and did not require an assessment of [...]

2016-04-28T08:33:09-04:00April 28, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Federal privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien asked the Government Operations Centre to review its tracking of lawful protests in the capital. A statement from the commissioner’s office said “we asked for a more detailed analysis of the privacy risks relating to monitoring of public protests and demonstrations,” and that this be given to Therrien to review. The Toronto Star reported that among [...]

2016-03-26T06:46:34-04:00March 26, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada On Jan. 1, the abortion drug Mifegymiso became available to Canadian women in their first seven weeks of pregnancy. Sandeep Prasad, executive director of Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, applauded the introduction of the abortion drug (formerly RU-486) because it will “expand choices when it comes to terminating a pregnancy.” But he condemned Health Canada’s requirement that only a [...]

2016-02-25T08:41:12-05:00February 25, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Toronto District School Board and Greater Essex School Board are admitting that the Ontario sex-ed curriculum may be contributing to lower student enrolment as parents look for educational alternatives for their children. The Toronto Star reported that the TDSB discovered that its November tally of students found 2,600 fewer children enrolled in its elementary schools than had been projected, with [...]

2016-01-25T08:40:24-05:00January 25, 2016|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Quebec Health Minister Gaetan Barrette said families of caregivers will be given $1000 to help look after dying relatives saying he hopes to see the percentage of Quebecers with chronic diseases who die at home increase from 11 per cent to 20. “We will never see a situation where everybody will end their lives at home,” he said announcing $10 million [...]

2015-12-23T08:09:16-05:00December 23, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The Winnipeg Free Press reported that Dying with Dignity, a euthanasia advocacy group, is pressuring the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba to require doctors to refer patients for euthanasia. The College is seeking input concerning guidelines for euthanasia in the province, but Dying with Dignity is upset that the Manitoba College is not requiring doctors to refer patients for [...]

2015-12-01T19:30:14-05:00November 30, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

Canada Sean Murphy, the administrator of the Conscience Protection Project, said in column in the National Post that the Canadian Medical Association, which was scheduled to debate the physician’s role in euthanasia and assisted suicide at their annual meeting in Halifax in late August, has taken a position that imperils the conscience rights of doctors: “By accepting the morally contested obligation to [...]

2015-09-28T09:44:59-04:00September 28, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|

Bits & Pieces

CanadaA Winnipeg girl, 13, was impregnated twice by her stepfather, according to court documents, and both pregnancies ended in abortion. Carol Scurfield, a doctor at the Women’s Health Clinic, one of the two facilities that do abortions in Winnipeg but did not give this girl an abortion, said, “If a 12-year-old is pregnant, it raises red flags that health providers should be [...]

2015-08-31T08:22:30-04:00August 28, 2015|Bits n' Pieces|
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