It was a CBC Radio call-in show in the early afternoon. The guests included an Anglican rector, and an articulate Anglican layman from Christ Church in Hamilton, where two lesbians had been “married” in August of this year. The host posed this question for the listeners: “What would you advise Anglican people to do over the same-sex marriage issue?” I tried to call in. Busy signal. Tried again. Busy again. Always that same signal. I desperately wanted to speak to Anglicans all over Canada. Alas, I did not succeed.
I wanted to warn Anglicans of their great danger. I wanted to say to their leaders, “You have abandoned the ancient Scriptures that teach, “Homosexuality is wrong. It is immoral.” I wanted to say to Anglican laypeople, “Your church is no longer safe.” Sadly, I say it, but say it I will, “Any institution that transforms vice into virtue is no safe harbour for anybody.”
What does one say to a people when their church home is no longer trustworthy? When church leadership casually throw away 2,000 years of tradition, when the authority of the Bible is trodden underfoot, when natural law is pushed aside? How does one address people whose leaders have taken an ancient abomination, baptized it, and now hail it as virtuous? Is it still safe for children to go to Sunday school? Will they hear that God was negligent in not making Adam and Steve to be mated, as were Adam and Eve? What about a young married couple experiencing difficulty in their first months of marriage? What if they are told that one of them is really not heterosexual and it would be better to abandon such a marriage? And what if an avant-garde priest tells your young son, struggling with his sexual identity, that he should go out and experiment because, just maybe, he is not heterosexual? My, how times have changed – not that long ago, such a priest would have been charged with corrupting the morals of a minor.
I greatly fear for the many Anglicans who hold true, orthodox faith and are yet a part of this denomination. For if they stay, their conscience may be seared by false teaching. A false morality may be taught that could threaten their earthly happiness. Indeed, even their eternal destiny may be put at risk. I have concerns that many may stay because of misguided loyalty, or because they cannot bear to part from the community.
Years ago, Anglicans in the West sent missionaries to “darkest” Africa. And thousands of people came to know the truth of Jesus, and of Scripture, and thousands of churches were planted. Indeed, it is precisely these churches, adhering to the truth of the Bible on homosexuality, who now call for repentance from the West. In fact, certain Anglican bishops in Africa are threatening withdrawal from the Western church because they think the West is embracing an immoral lifestyle. Speak then, African brothers. Rebuke us for our dalliance with sin. Exhort us to cling to truth. Call us to repentance, lest we fall under judgement.
For Jesus severely warned two churches that were fooling around with sexual sin. Both Pergamum and Thyatira were accommodating sexual immorality (Revelation, Chapter 2).
The Christ with eyes like blazing fire called for repentance. His words were stern, his threat of judgement fierce. Jesus hasn’t changed, nor have his standards. I believe that today, in like manner, he is calling Anglican leaders all across Canada to turn from wicked accommodation with sin. There must be deep and profound repentance, for the ancient path has been abandoned, teaching has become toxic, and people are being led astray. And surely, unless there be a turning, judgement in some form will fall, even as it fell on Sodom.
I advise faithful, committed Anglicans who abhor this teaching and practice to run from leaders who embrace immorality. Leave sooner rather than later; find a new church, or a sister church that believes in and practises the truths of the Bible. If Anglican leadership were to repent, you could always return, but if you stay, you may yourself be seduced by the error of those who lead. Flee, then, to safety, for apostasy prowls among the churches.