In the wake of highly successful national pro-life conferences in the previous two years, Campaign Life Coalition Ontario is staging a special one-day provincial conference in Richmond Hill, just north of Toronto, on Oct. 13.

The conference, running from 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Parkway North Hotel and Convention Centre, 600 Highway 7 East, is being highlighted by two stellar speakers – Wesley Smith and Julius Yankowsky.

“It will be of interest to anyone who is pro-life,” said conference co-ordinator Yoli Singson. “We also urge those who are curious, but not yet pro-life, to come out and learn more about the life issues currently affecting us, such as euthanasia, cloning and stem-cell technologies.”

Smith is a lawyer and author of several books. His most recent work, Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America (which was reviewed in the April 2001 Interim) was named best medical book of the year, as well as one of the 10 most outstanding books of the year overall, by the Independent Publishers Association.

Yankowsky, a three-term member of the Alberta legislative assembly for Edmonton Beverly-Clareview, is noted for having brought forth a portion of a bill that would have given healthcare workers conscience protection under Alberta law. He has been lauded by the Alberta Federation of Women United for Families for doing and saying “whatever will further the cause of pro-life.”

Singson said the conference is being preceded on Friday night by Campaign Life Coalition’s annual general meeting, to which everyone is invited. A closed-door national board meeting and a CLC national strategy meeting are also part of an agenda that stretches from Thursday afternoon through to Sunday morning.

“Because there is so much to discuss and so much strategizing to do, we need more than one day to accomplish it all,” noted Singson. “There is so much to be done, so much to learn and so many people to talk to. It’s almost imperative that pro-life people come out and be there.”

She added that she expects attendance to be plentiful once again. Previous conferences saw registrations only trickle in at the start, before they picked up and ended by exceeding expectations.

The registration fee for the conference, which includes a lunch, is $55. For more information, see the advertisement in this issue of The Interim, or call (416) 204-9749 or 1-800-730-5358. You can also write to: Campaign Life Coalition, 104 Bond St., Suite 300, Toronto, Ont., M5B 1X9; fax (416) 204-1027; or e-mail