One pro-lifer barred from running
One pro-lifer disqualified
Two pro-lifers still in the race
Granting that there is time for righteous anger and that revenge is not particularly ennobling, our advice to pro-lifers disgusted that various bodies of the Conservative Party have prevented two pro-life, pro-family candidates from becoming verified candidates for the CPC leadership, is to stay engaged and show the party elite the importance of the social conservative vote by supporting the two remaining pro-lifers, Leslyn Lewis and Derek Sloan. Yes, many of us angry at the shabby treatment of Richard Decarie and Jim Karahalios – and by extension, all pro-life and pro-family Canadians. The temptation to thumb our nose at a party that actively disrespects its socially conservative base is great; the desire to lash out at a party that took membership fees from thousands of grassroots Conservatives and then bar or disqualify their preferred candidates is nearly insurmountable. But it would be a tragic mistake to effectively punish the pro-life candidates for the sins of the party. The best revenge is to stay in the process and help the remaining pro-life contenders.