Linda Gibbons
Linda Gibbons will stand trial on Nov. 4 on a charge of disobeying a court order in connection with her latest demonstration outside a Toronto abortion site this past August 4.
According to Gibbons’s lawyer, she will be pleading not guilty. The date was set during a recent appearance before a justice of the peace.
Although Gibbons has been conducting such peaceful demonstrations since 1994, this is the first time she has been arrested at the Morgentaler facility site. The location is protected by a 150-metre, court-imposed “bubble zone” that prohibits pro-life activity within its boundaries. For the past number of years, it has been her practice to demonstrate at the Scott facility site downtown.
The Nov. 4 hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. in Room 504 of the Ontario Court of Justice at Yonge and College Streets in downtown Toronto.
Meanwhile, Dec. 14 has been confirmed as the date of a crucial Supreme Court of Canada hearing into Gibbons’s appeal of an earlier conviction of disobeying a court order. Her lawyers are arguing that a criminal charge was improperly laid against her because the matter concerned an injunction that was laid down in a civil court.
Should her appeal be successful, charges she is currently facing will be nullified and prosecutors will no longer be able to charge her, or anyone else, criminally for violations of civil court orders.
This article originally appeared Sept. 20 at LifeSiteNews.com and is reprinted with permission.