For living in a great country in which pro-life activism, despite the obstacles and difficulties, still flourishes.

For the means to be actively pro-life – our health, our families, those in the background that make things happen.

For the unwed mothers who keep their babies despite feelings of hopelessness and vulnerability or in the face of challenging emotional or physical environments.

For those who work in crisis pregnancy centres, who help make the decision to carry a child to term a little easier.

For parents who adopt, providing a home to children selflessly provided by mothers who were not ready to be parents.

For mothers of babies who, despite pre-natal diagnoses that show genetic anomalies and other health problem, carry their children to term.

… And for the precious time – no matter how brief – that families get to spend with children whose time on Earth seemed too short.

For the sacrifices of families, support workers, volunteers and friends who enrich the lives of people with physical and mental disabilities.

For those who visit shut-ins, bringing joy to those at risk of hopelessness.

For the spouses and families of pro-life workers who hold down the fort at home while activists defend the sanctity of human life.

For doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care workers who uphold the sanctity of human life by refusing to participate in abortion, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide and other assaults on human life.

For those who visit their elected representatives to inform them of life issues and press them to defend the unborn and the vulnerable.

For pro-life politicians who are unafraid to speak up for the unborn or to speak out against euthanasia.

For judges who uphold natural law and defend the sanctity of every human life.

For pro-life journalists who get the message out to the broader society.

For all the pro-life communications that help keep the movement informed about the latest news affecting life and family.

For the educators who teach school children the truth about life in the womb, encourage students to become active pro-lifers and bring groups of students to pro-life activities, most notably the National March for Life.

… And for parents who do the same.

For school board trustees who uphold moral truth.

For the priests and pastors who teach that abortion and euthanasia are evils to be vigorously opposed.

For those who have had abortions, but have come to regret them and realize that their pain can be an opportunity to teach society about the harm abortion does to women.

For pro-life activists who stand witness to the injustice of abortion and the sacredness of all human life by holding signs that show the truth about the child in the womb and the horror of abortion.

For pro-life students who brave discrimination (and worse) to get the message out to their fellow youths on campus.

For all the forms of pro-life activism and those who take part in all of them – whether it is to witness to the horror of abortion, to call for legal protection for the unborn or to pray for an end to abortion.

For the youth who have reinvigorated the movement with their enthusiasm and fresh perspectives.

For veterans of the movement who have kept the pro-life torch lit and for their memories of past lessons learned.

For the leadership of the movement, who have developed effective strategies, organized events and inspired rank-and-file pro-lifers.

For the example of stalwart individuals who have gone to their eternal rewards after fighting the mighty battle with those forces of darkness.

For local pro-life groups who provide opportunities for activism and learning in the community, for public outreach in various campaigns and keeping the fight alive across the country.

For national pro-life organizations that co-ordinate country-wide efforts to educate the public and the politicians about the need to end abortion.

For the good people in the pro-life movement who provide spiritual, intellectual and emotional sustenance not only to the larger public, but among each other.

For the financial donors to pro-life causes; their support makes all pro-life activity possible.

For those who pray – those who pray for the unborn children and their mothers; for those who pray for a change in the laws; for those who pray to sustain the pro-life movement.

For the blessings that pour out of that prayer, some seen, but many that occur beyond our awareness.

For the faithfulness of so many pro-lifers despite the apparent lack of “progress” in obtaining justice for the unborn.

For the gift of hope, to understand that truth and goodness will prevail, even when it appears that the battle is being lost.

For the breakthroughs and small victories that provide us with hope.

For the assurance that all human life is sacred and beloved of God.

For the grace of God, who is slow to anger and quick to forgive all who repent.

For having been chosen to be the voice of the defenceless unborn and everyone else who is vulnerable to the culture of death.

For the privilege of sharing a sliver of Christ’s Cross in doing the challenging but rewarding work of defending his children.

Editor’s Note: This list was compiled with input from the editorial advisory board of The Interim,
as well as pro-life activists from across the country. We encourage readers to mail in their own lists