It isn’t often that a columnist likes to talk about his own turf. Indeed, there is ample material and information on the battle to protect life in other towns, and I often would rather talk about them.

Our fair city of Kelowna has managed to keep the evils of abortion out of the local hospital for some time. Back in the days when democracy actually meant something, pro-lifers were encouraged to get involved in the political process – a task embraced with vengeance here in British Columbia. Scores of pro-life folks were elected to hospital boards, annoying especially those who had no concept of accountability and would rather usher in the freedom to choose by eliminating the freedom to choose.

It has been no small task. As Abortion Inc. gradually took over, infecting everything with its stench of death, hospital boards, at least those accountable to the local community, were eliminated. Abortion Inc. would tolerate no opposition in those lawmakers close to the communities in which it governed.

Abortion, Inc. then discovered little bubbles that could be blown, thus protecting the right to choose by eliminating the right to choose. In Kelowna, the names of scores of brave individuals who held off Abortion Inc.’s juggernaut, escape me. There are just too many of them.

But in the end, it was not public support that took away the right to choose life, it was money. You see, with a blank cheque in one hand, and a gun in the other, Abortion, Inc. rammed abortion down the throats of Kelowna. Insiders tell me of the intimidation tactics used by the NDP government, and that they felt had no choice but to build and operate Kelowna’s new abortion clinic.

At a time when Kelowna folks are often sent home rather than recover in hospital due to lack of beds (due to lack of funding), the government had piles and piles of money in which to build its own Fort Knox – a high-level security structure on the fifth floor of the hospital – the main purpose of which will be to deliberately take the lives of 13 children a week.

The total cost so far exceeds one million dollars. But to Abortion Inc., cost was no object. Nor was intimidation.

I sit here, weary after meeting upon meeting, drafting strategy, looking for ways to protect the rights of protesters, prayer warriors and sidewalk counselors. Tomorrow the “clinic” will open.

As sad as the next day will be, a day in which real children will die, I cannot help but think of the many children in Kelowna who walk the streets, go to church, and whose parents pay their taxes. Some of them surely are here because of the many brave people in Kelowna, who, over the years, gave of themselves and kept Abortion Inc. away from our city, and our children.

To them I say thank you.

And to the rest who have not yet been involved, to those abortion survivors, I say it’s time to roll up our sleeves and, as was done before, cast this vulture away from our city. It will take much work, of that I have no doubt.

The task is before us. So let it be written. So let it be done.